
Why go fishing???????????

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Why go fishing???????????




  1. For Fun & entertainment.

  2. hey i was the same way you are.  why go fishing?  i did it before when i was little and it was boring and i tried it again when i got older and it was boring.  but it all depends on what your fishing for and you need to go with someone who fish's alot to know where some good spots are.  i always went fishing in a lake of some sort but i had friends that always went out on the boat and went off shore and i went with them one time and i got hooked.  when you catch a big fish that takes off with your line its fun to bring him back in.  also if you love to eat fish then that a good reason to go fishing all by it self because certain fish can be expensive at the supper market but if you catch it then you don't have to buy it.  i like going out for grouper and snapper and those fish can pull and there good eating too.  but i can see where your coming from "why go fishing"  i was the same way.

  3. why not? lol no really i love it because it take me away from my real life, just relax and fish, no worries

  4. For Fun

  5. I think that this is a valid question. I love to fish but most of my friends ask the same question. I guess the answer is different for everyone, I like it because you can shut out the rest of the world, any problems your having, work, relationship, whatever. You don't have to think about them when your on the water. There is something very therapudic about it. Now, if you find fishing boring, then may i suggest spearfishing?! I grew up fishing, and love it, but i got into spearfishing a couple years ago and haven't picked up my fishing pole since, other than to go offshore for giant tunas and shark. Spearfishing is definatly not boring and at the very least you'll get to dive some nice reefs if you don't spear anything...

  6. well fish is a primary consumer and eats only producers( white meat, eats mostly plants). It is important to eat fish, chicken and other white meats because they eat straight from the ground. (meaning plants) White meats give humans the most energy and proteins that we need to survive. This is energy and proteins that plants cannot give us alone, and that red meats cannot give us at all. So it is important to go fishing so that us humans may consume fish. Make it a part of your daily diet.

  7. I initially thought fishing would be boring, but fishing is surprisingly enjoyable and fun which is not dependant on actually catching a fish.  If you do catch a fish, there is a rush of adrenaline and excitement.  You don't have to keep the fish.  You can unhook it and let it go.  But just sitting in the sun, concentrating on nothing but the best way to drop your fishing line is kind of meditative and a little break from the world.

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