
Why go to church?

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Why go to church?




  1. 2 learn about the word of God && 2 learn about The father, Son && Holy Spirit..o && 2 read the bible. But u dont have 2 go if yr not religious.

  2. People get upset if we talk about church in the section. You need to tiptoe on out. (Don't step on the tulips)

    As for an answer..I used to go because I thought God was there and heard our prayers and talked to us through the preacher and songs etc..and blessed us and ministered to us. I used to love to sing to Him.  Not the same without it. I'm not able to believe it anymore.

  3. To show off wearing your best Sunday clothes and to sit back and gossip about other people's lives...why else?

  4. You don't have to go to church because God loves you and will listen to you from anywhere. I just like to go to church because it's a nice environment where I get to share with my community as well as listen to and meditate on God's word.

  5. Im waiting for a good answer for this one!

    good luck

  6. If you have faith in the religion you go to church to learn more, or prove your faith.

    Some people go to church to confess, some people go to cleanse themselves, pray for happiness ect.

    I went to church because I wanted to stay over at my christian friends house on Saturday's and ended up being dragged along to church. bluah.

  7. To pickup chicks.

  8. Geez, complex question, some would say to 'congregate together' worship together to be heard as one...blahblahblah.  I believe some people need the church structure to ensure that they are being heard by a higher power.  I tend to believe God hears us no matter where we are.  It's a gesture of respect however to attend and share in your worship with those sharing the same belief system.

  9. why cant you spend and hour or two for god, im assuming you lvoe him more than everything else like the bible says to.

  10. I don't.

    Most people go for religious reasons, some go just for socialization.

  11. Because they're nice buildings.  Well, they are in Europe anyway.
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