
Why go to war?

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Why is the USA policeman for the world? Why don't we just stay out of other countries' problems and worry about our own. We need to clean up our own mess before we can clean up anybody elses. The Army needs to go to crime infested places in the US and restore order and stop violence.




  1. bush is a tool box

  2. Because bush is a 7ucking idiot. And yes, I agree the gov needs to fix OUR countries problems before anyone else''s just rediculous.

  3. There will be more wars in the middle east

    There is only so much oil left and the decision will have to be made who is going to have it them or us

  4. The thing is Wilson got us involved and now it i would be very hard for us to pull out.

  5. The US is the biggest member of the United Nations. There are more of us than the other nations so it seems like we are doing more. This was originally a UN decision.

  6. ******* finally....SOMEBODY in america who has an open mind, and isnt blinded by a flag. their should be more people who think like you do.

  7. We have become too big and with way too much demand and requirement to survive so we have interest in the world and a lot of it that is vital for us is in the middle east. So when loony people who swore to destroy us try to have an impact on our interest we have to defend it or else you would no longer be able to show up on here and being able to openly express yourself as a free person.

  8. George Bush doesn't care about black people.

  9. Old and out-dated foreign policies, and a general attitude within the goverment of "Lets just do whatever the **** we feel like doing." Including invading foreign countries for their oil, then doing it again about a decade later because it didn't quite work out the first time...

    Ever since the second world war the U.S. has behaved as though it should be telling every other country how to behave, like some sort of world 'nanny'. The arrogance of this is stupendous!

    As you say, there are far more important things going on inside the U.S. that require resources which are currently being wasted on unwinnable wars.

    How is the rebuilding of areas destroyed by hurricane Katrina going?

  10. Good point.  Things honestly should be put right in the U.S.  However, maybe in the process of helping others...we're learning to how to help ourselves.  Helping ourselves before others would be selfish.  Certain things must be sacrificed.  Some people may ask why we should sacrifice ourselves for other countries.  It's because if we didn't they'd lose everything, whereas we would lose a small portion of our blessings.  We cannot completely destroy violence, crime, etc.  It will always be there.  If we people did happen to rid the world of evil, it would be a world of perfection and fear.  A utopia, and a dictatorship.  The war in the Middle East is upsetting, but was necessary.  Remember the atom bombs that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II?  Unbelievably horrid.  I couldn't believe that any person could do that.  But it was unfortunately neccesary.  So many more people would've died if that hadn't happened.  The U.S.  and Japan would have gotten into even more serious and terrible battles, and there would've been invasion forces marching through countries.  I think that something similar would've happened with the Middle East if we hadn't done anything.  And things always get better after the worst.  Horrible, but neccessary.  Besides, mistakes and times of trial are here for a reason.  We are meant to learn from them, so we can learn from them and be mature enough to take the next step.  (BTW, I agree with the comment about Katrina.  I really wish they'd do something about it.  And now there's even more damages from Dolly.)

  11. The US has been the worlds policeman because no other country is capable.  

    As for whether it's right or not it's one of those damned if you do damned if you don't deals.  The same people who condemn US foreign policy as imperialist and arrogant get upset that no one intervened in Rwanda and that no one is intervening in Darfur.  Certain situations need to be resolved through force or not at all.
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