
Why governmt doesn´t do somehing aboutt global warmig?

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I know global warmig is not a easy issue to solv but if we don't do something fast something REALLY bad is going to happen!




  1. Most, if not all governments tend to be pro-growth.  Some of the 'best' solutions to prevent global warming (if it exists) involve slowing or reversing they are not attractive to the government.  Al Gore's ideas are throw the country into several years of recession.   This is something that is not very attractive to a lot of people, especially the growing number of people who are close to retirement and have not saved enough to retire.  No growth means declining stock value and higher inflation...for a lot of people, this would mean they could never retire.

    Also, there are some sectors of government that don't acknowledge that global warming is for real.

    There is one scenario that could help that we don't even need to plan oil production peak.   This is the point where the supply of oil cannot keep up with the demand, resulting in runaway sky-high oil prices.  Unrealistically high oil prices would finally be a serious incentive to start thinking seriously about alternate means of production and energy.

  2. Lets suppose, just for a moment, that global warming, as

    explained by Al Gore, actually exists. Further, let us suppose

    that human habitation of the planet is the underlying cause.

    Then it follows that it is the general populace that should be

    doing something, not the government. We are the responsible

    persons, so fix it.

    Of course, global warming does not exist. The global

    temperature increase is caused by normal, long term

    weather cycle.

  3. I agree with Elliot, there's just too much money involved and the government is scared to upset powerful industries.

    Global Warming IS REAL and is affecting our world right now.

    Just a proof about the kind of money involved in oil industries and more.

    "Occidental Petroleum Corp.'s (NYSE:OXY - news) chairman and chief executive took in more than $400 million in compensation last year, the company said in a filing, one of the biggest single-year payouts in U.S. corporate history. "

    Now, tell me, who would like to let go of that kind of money and how will the government make them if they are also involved in getting a juicy part from lobbists.

  4. Do you really think the government has the power to change the climate?

  5. Are you bowing at the alter of AL? The world will heat and cool as it has for millions of years. You can't stop it by eliminating 'big oil' as nearly all the googoos would like to do. Why? Because we ain't goin back to living in caves, man. We're in the 21st century. It's an oil based world and there isn't any replacement for it now or in the not so near future.

  6. My gullible friend, you shouldn't listen to everything spouted in the media about GLOBAL WARMING and the so called link between human produced greenhouse gases and a warming earth. The link is dubious at the worst and non-existent at best. I am also sorry that you think the government is set up to solve problems such as this. I am personally unwilling to hand over my freedom and prosperity to a bloated bureaucracy h**l bent on raiding my wallet and curbing my liberties. Read "Set up and Sold out" by Holly Swanson to help discover the reasons behind the green movement. It is a well cited and informative book.

  7. there is a lot of evidence of man made climate change .and there are many reasons to hide the truth,if the governments admit publicly that their are errors it means they are responsible and have to iniciate change

    scientists who work for politicians ,get paid by these politicians and they have downplayed the facts because solutions are expensive

    and change effects many peoples incomes,and upsets profit margins,so most of the world is kept in the dark of the real things that are going on.for political and economic reasons

    and what makes you think in the first place that governments have the people best interest at heart ,

    then why would they say in secret meetings that the Agenda demanded a decrease of the world population by 60%,,

    do you think that can be achieved by looking after the masses ,on the contrary

  8. I'm sorry but they really can't. The real polluters are either their voters or huge corporations (who fund them) a lot of us, including Al Gore, have been trying to get attention for 40 years. Words are about all we've stirred. We don't even know that it isn't too late already. Problems this big have a lot of impetus once going. It won't stop for years, even if we do something tomorrow. The measures necessary to curtail the human input to global warming would be great ways to ameliorate the impacts on us, whatever happens.  michael

  9. There is too much money being thrown at the lawmakers for them to do anything.  Big oil has too much power.

  10. Why would you want the government to do anything about anything.  From past experience, all they will do is collect a lot of money from the taxpayers and then use it to mess things up.

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