
Why govt.docters are not getting good salary and comfort than engineer

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today engineers are getting good job opportunity . docters to spend about 8 years for studieng mediocine withspecialisation . they have to remain on their tips due to they are dealing with human beings . they are not getting that benifiet . i have seen standing for long surgery nobody bother for them to give one cup of tea




  1. I dont know where do govt doctors did you mean, in developing countries? Mostly yes, they are underpaid & their well fare is less concern.

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  2. It is their fate,

    one side govt not providing subsequent hikes/reviews of their salary periodically which is worst.

    And the otherside doctors won't stop bribing the patients.

    whom to blame?

    I guess government had to be blamed and also doctors.

    why doctors?

    doctors have to take actions to make their living better by fighting against govt.

    Is it so.....

  3. but some of them they get extraaaa income from patients which is morethan a engineer can earn. just chill :))

  4. ya,, this is something need to get a serious attention!. it is not fair that docters are under paid as compared to engineers. docters are spending more time and effort in both in studies as well as in work!. I think it is happening like that mainly in India, the land of unfairness

  5. THIS is not a healthy and correct comparision

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