
Why guys are hung up on "size"?

by  |  earlier

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I was talking to a guy recently, and he stated to me that if a guy that he is seeing do not have 10 or more he wouldn't' give him the time of day. After hearing that, I felt lower than dirt, because of it.

I wanted to buy some "stuff" to make it longer, since I am about 8 1/2 to 9. I had told a friend I wanted to walk around with 11". he told me do not waste my money and walking around with something like that will cause trouble later on.

And that is my question




  1. Man, 8 1/2 to 9 is pretty freaking impressive (I'm 7) and for a LTR it doesn't matter to me.  If it was a one night stand just for the nookie, maybe I would care, but please, the guy has to have 10 or more!!!!  That sounds like a recipe to walk funny for the rest of your life.

    Of course being bisexual this is all irrelevant since I got married.  :P

  2. I think you are taking what your friend said too seriously. I don't know but I find it hard to believe that your friend walks around peeks at the ***** of his prospective partners and then decides hmmm nope too small. In short, he is full of it. Now as far as you go, if you have hang ups about your size, the attitude will affect your confidence which will lower your appeal to anyone who might be interested.  

  3. You'll meet lots of size queens, and once you hear people who only date guys with a guy with a size bigger than 10 inches they aren't worth the time. The reason why you should avoid guys like that because they are only interested in the size and not the person.

    Your friend is right because if you're wanting to use all these different medicines, and devices to make it bigger it will only cause problems in the future such as causing it to not work properly like it use to.

    8 and a half to 9 inches is pretty much above average and considered BIG in the g*y community, be happy with what you have and look for guys who will like you for you and not how big your package is.


  4. You're huge....

  5. If you're talking about the size of your p***s, then go buy some enhancement pills. They usually sell them in ads in men's magazines or you can look them up in the web.

    But the truth is that size doesn't matter. Stop worrying about it. The guy you were talking to is a crackhead.

  6. Average for all males -- regardless of race -- is 5.5 to 6 inches.  That is a fact, unaffected by men's desires and exaggerations.  I for one have never cared what size was, as long as the person loved me.  I've never had a one night stand, and don't want one -- and I've been with my partner for  nearly 17 years.  I did have s*x just to have s*x with friends when I was young (giving them pleasure), most of those guys are still my friends, though I rarely see them.

    I think those with size issues have a fixation.  I don't share that fixation, so I don't worry about it much.

    Kind thoughts,


  7. It's just a preference for some people. Just respect it and move on if it doesn't sound like something you're interested in. There's a big world out there so explore ;-)

  8. LOL that **** always cracks me up. I think its sad really. If they cant see beyond your size they ain't worth your time and are just sacks of ****. I also think they're trying to compensate for other areas they're lacking in.

    But dude you're beautiful the way you are and don't let that **** can stuff get to you because clearly he was never interested in getting to know you just your d**k because he doesn't have one.

    Be proud of what you've got. Always remember it ain't the size that counts its how you use it. I always like to think that so long as it squirts a shitload I'm happy. I love my men for them not their d**k size.  

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