
Why half of world remain poor?

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after 200 years of industrilization why half of the world remain poor?




  1. either your poor/border line poor here or your rich!

  2. Too much gap between rich and poor.

    People have greater needs.

    People leading less simple lives.

    Money matters more to many people.

  3. Well, the simply answer seems to be: HUMAN GREED.

    People like power (which can be established via wealth), yet there are more than enough resources to distribute to those less fortunate. However, most "industrialized" countries fear "communism" or "socialism" and any re-distribution of wealth is considered a version of these.

    Fear, ignorance, and greed seem to limit the human race. How much could we accomplish, if we all worked together?

  4. Because those who are not poor wish to remain so.

  5. We are ignorant of the oneness of humanity and all that implies about our thinking and behavior individually and collectively.

  6. Bcoz half of them are poor in Heart

  7. Because there must be a balance everything has an opposite, without opposites or rather complementaries we could not exist, for what is life without death?

  8.'s way more than half ducks.

  9. -Selfishness


    -Some people are lazy

    -Some don't care about this world enough to want to get out of that poor state

    -Some are Content where they are, settling for little

  10. because sadly no one cares about others anymore! they r just hardly getting by themselves! which is some wot understandable! but not a lot!

  11. well, everybody could forget the moralizing and realize that most of the world is not devloped, compared to other nations.  Developed nations aren't necessarily exploiting these nations, either; they're just not nursing them to devlopment.  Historically, this doens't happen anyway or work out well.  A nation must do this itself.  Also, it's mostly a capitalistic world.    

    also, it's a well known fact that income distributions follow what is called a Pareto distribution, which isn't shaped like a bell, but has a really high density on one side.  You always hear how 1% of the people control 90% of the world's wealth?  This is just the way things work in the human world.  

    Plus, you know, some people don't have access to capital.  Have you ever heard of microlending?  It's a really big thing in developing nations, which is allowing ambitious poor people to obtain more wealth.  The guy who came up with it a few years ago won a nobel prize.  It's kind of a great thing.


  13. theres no answer

  14. That answer is actually very simple;

    there is a minority of arrogant self important swine, who are so self important, to confirm to themselves how important they are, they will resort to violence and brutality, and when engaged in violence and brutality will attempt to confuse the issue by

    a) outright lying or

    b)  hiring an attorney arguing from a moral relativistic standpoint which is really just a means of justifying a hedonistic lifestyle rather than a real philosophy because, if everything is relative, then the relative is relative, and it is therefore a self-cancelling thought pattern that ultimately has no real meaning and is used more often by the selfish educated as a justification for all manner of depredations and crimes against humanity, and at the end of it all they will say "take responsibility for your actions."

    There are selfish, self important people out there, with no conscience, who pretend to be nice folks literally lying their way to the top, and to stay on the top if even a little of that wealth is threatened, they will resort to brutal violence, while branding their victims as "savage killers."  It was done to the native americans, when, as a group of people, the great majority of native americans I have met are quiet, mellow folks, hardly the "savages" portrayed in the 19th century american media.

    It is a common practice of evil people, to atribute onto their victims, qualities they themselves posses, because they know these qualities first hand, and they know, larger society will only do evil on those they think are evil.  Thus, what evil men do, is convince everyone that their victims are evil when they may not be, and lie to everyone and get them to kill innocent people.

    You should talk to a New Yorker about that; they're experts at it.

    Of course that is only one half of the coin; the other half are the victims of evil people believing those lies.

    "you are a weak, stupid, worthless n*****."

    "the white man is god, his intellect unsurpassed, his strength unequaled."

    "Africa is a diseased ridden, dirty continent."

    "your women are s***s."

    "your children are dirty and rude."

    Imagine, being bombarded with such vicious slander, while the people who say it, burn, kill, rape and destroy everything.

    On a busconscious level regarding the poor, they have little to no faith in themselves, or even a concept of their own humanity.  If they did, they would have lifted themselves out of poverty a long time ago but the people who put them there in the first place are so fearful of revenge, that any time they try to pick themselves up, it isn't long before the CIA or someone sends someone in to sabotage any efforts to help the people.  Its also part of the reason why Washington is crapping themselves regarding China; its the only country that has stayed away, in part, from western depredation but....

    Who needs the west when they have their own self important swine to s***w them over.

    In the west, the minority of evil people play on the fears of good people to get them to kill innocent people, while elsewhere in the world, the minority of evil people there just shamelessly and unabashedly steal much needed public funds.  Indeed; the only reason the country of Jordan is respected, is because any foreign aid that has gone into the country, has been put to good use.  That is, because the government does not steal as much as in other Arab countries, the people of Jordan generally enjoy a higher living standard than other non-oil Arab countries.  There is still graft and corruption and all that, but its nothing compared to, oh, say, imagine the king or queen, stealing 1 billion in foreign aid, to buy for themselves an island in the bahamas.

    Most of the money of Jordan's royal family comes from the people's taxes, and the fact that many of them are engaged in international business and investements.  In other words, by and large (I think and hope) its their money, not the public's.  In Saudi Arabia, the royal family there both makes money from business investements AND they steal most of the oil revenue.  And they call Jews greedy jeesh......

    Go look at an Al-Saud for a while before you call a Jew "greedy."

    Their excesses, are the embarassment of the Arabs, all across the world.  Not just Saudis; Arabs as in, all 300 million of them.

    It is a combination of self important swine engaging in violence to keep their power, and sabotating people's efforts to escape poverty, as much as poor people's lack of faith in themselves and any semblance of hope for the future, that keeps the world's poor, well, poor.

    Look at the Japanese; the truth is, wars and all, their country has never known poverty.  Not even in the days of the Yamato clan's wars against the Jomon and Ainu, the original natives of Japan with whom, the Korean Yamato mixed with to become modern Japanese.  Along with people from throughout China, although, the great majority of Japanese are Yamato, Jomon, and Ainu ancestry but getting to the point.  Because they believe themselves to be of "divine descent," that is, extreme faith in themselves bordering on arrogance, naturally that self importance led them to take good care of themselves, and their country.

    They were self important enough to take care of themselves, but humble enough so that there aren't so many egotistical people as to wreck the government, like for example, in Russia and the Arab countries.

    People have to have faith in themselves but not too much, not arrogant pride.  They have to be humble but not feel like they are worthless, like the majority of africans.  White people have had success, because generally, whites tend to be in the middle; not arrogantly proud like Arabs, but at the same time, not feeling like they are worthless like africans, but at the same time, a supreme sense of confidence stemming from being white which gives them enough faith to run relatively corrupt free governments, while at the same time, avoiding the corruption and excesses that cripple other parts of the world.

    boy I overanswered.

    sorry this wasn't worth anything but if you if you can get anything out of it...

  15. LAZY PEOPLE will be ever-poor

  16. My,,,,My

    Don't we have Tunnel Vision.

    Can't you see why half the world is poor.

    The other half is Rich, and want to stay that way.

    It's not hard to work out.......................

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