
Why has'nt the media fully vetted my story?

by Guest21254  |  earlier

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Why is a young girls pregnancy more important to them than a presidential candidate touching another man's weener?

Larry Sinclair




  1. Because people like Chris Matthews on Hard Balls gets tingly sensations in his underpants like you Larry when Obama speaks.

  2. Perhaps it's because you're crazy.  Dude, if you're the real Sinclair - seek help.  If not, you're picking the wrong poster boy.  A Google search turned up the link below as the number 1 hit.  Wow.

    As to your question: the Sinclair story (such as it is) has been told.  As for Palin's daughter's pregnancy, it calls into question her judgment, especially when it comes to abstinence-only s*x education.  And it also calls into question McCain's judgment.  Did he REALLY vet Palin?  Does he really think that going for the PUMA vote was worth tacking a Jerry Springer show family onto the ticket?  Either way, it's a sad and scary situation.

  3. They have. It was completely discredited and the lawyer that was promoting your story was disbarred.

  4. The media is for Obama right now until they have to tellt he nation that McCain won the election.

  5. you are a proven liar

  6. Larry---you need to go on MSNBC----oops---I forgot---Soros owns them---you'll continue to get swept under the rug.

  7. Thank you Larry often wonder about that my self. But don't worry  One week before the election they will air the "Whitey Tape". and your story will soon be forgotten.  But you will have your revenge.!!!!  

  8. You need help.  I will pray for you.

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