
Why has America become so splintered in the past 20 years?

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I find more and more Americans hating America everyday, especially the young, is this a harbinger of the future. In other words is America doomed




  1. To much government power over the states!! People used to be allowed to live differently from state to state. But now the Feds keep trying to make everything the same!

  2. I think it's due to politicians and political wonks adopting the policy of characterizing their supporters as victims and their opponents as traitors.  We don't hear about how we are all Americans; we hear about how those darn liberals / conservatives have oppressed us and are ruining the country.

  3. Sure.

    Why not?

    Decode this lyrics " You are not alone"

    What can we do?

    Even Batman has their own problems too.

    What more with Robin too.

    Decode this lyrics " Upside down"

    When Batman and Robin were hanging upside down still living in caves blind as a bat on board the star-ship.

    With the star-ship way off course.

    Why Captain America has to take over the control and steer the star-ship back on course away from "Got-them" city.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  4. IT's ALWAYS been like this.  That's part of the fun of a republic.

  5. LOL

    read youre history books!

    it was way worse 200 years ago

    the US almost split up numerous times in the decades after the revolution (and did during the Civil War)

    this is nothing

  6. Governmental overkill......

  7. it is nearly doomed,yes.The damage may be irrreversible We have unknowingly been led& driven into  "subtle slavery".Partly some of own grasping desire for pleasure ,status,etc.Also splintered due to politicsized media,distracting many of us by hyping passionate ,but nonessential issues.The AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE BEEN HAD,TRICKED,CONNED,LIED TO,PIMPED,WRONGLY IMPRISONED,PROPAGANDIZED BY MEDIA WHORES,POISONED,VICTIMISED,SLANDERED,MIS... AND----RUSHED----

  8. Probably because the elected officials no longer represent the people of this country, but companies and lobbyists.

  9. The politicians have divided us to promote their agenda.  We are united in so many ways, but sometimes we disagree on matters that are deeply personal which shouldn't be handled by politicians, anyway.  We are not doomed.  Just don't listen to the hysterics, raise your family in the best way you know how, and don't send any more of your money to the politicians (limit government and reduce taxes).  They just use it to get themselves re-elected.

  10. 1.  Dumbing down of the population in public schools.

    2.  Smoke and mirrors propaganda from our government.

    3.  Corruption in every office and at every level.

    4.  Media bombardment of disinformation.

    5.  Every signal now broadcast or recorded carries unseen and unheard signals designed to make the population more susceptible to being sheeple!

    6.  Echelon listening to everything going out over waves and net.

    7.  Constant never ending new source of some new never before heard of threat to our way of life or our very lives!  Wars for terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq, new diseases like bird flu crossing over, now Iran.

    8.  Our federal government does nothing about the skyrocketing cost of everyday needs.

    I can do this all night! Got enough?

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