
Why has America stopped producing goods and providing jobs at home in favor of record profits for the rich .?

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We seem to have created an economy based on financing and profiting from others hard work around the globe ,

We once made goods and paid wages to workers here who in turn spent that money in the community .

Now companies build plants overseas and south of our border reaping tremendous profits for a very few people while Americans serve these wealthy elite in a variety of service related jobs no longer able to afford a modest home and security for their family .

Is the leadership of this country ever going to wake up and assist in the creation of good jobs here at home , honest ,hard working Americans , will have the same chances our grandparents had of working hard for good wages to purchase homes and save for the future . Rather then renting , and being in debt to 5 different credit card accounts because of low wages and service jobs that lead no where ,we need the kind of leadership that creates jobs not destroys our nation in favor of a quick buck .




  1. I think it's got to do with the government taxing businesses.

    Businesses having to fork out for peoples health care.

    Then you have those people who are sue happy that want to try and get an easy buck.

    No wonder they are moving off shore.

  2. No.

    Don't think so.

    Expectation of the children is too high.

    Beyond their controls.

    Look in the real world.

    Instead of using the "Rule of 72"

    In doing business,

    That grow with time.

    The children chase dreams.

    That shrivel up into smokes and ashes with time.

    With pyramid schemes.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  3. If you study most wealthy nations in history, they all move from producer to consumer at some point. The cost of living in the US makes it impossible to hire employees, pay them benefits and still make a profit on their products.

    Example: A US company makes a widget in the country with US labor. The widget has to sell for $100 in order for the company to make a $10 profit. Another company in Mexico makes the same product but due to lower costs, lower wages etc. they are able to sell the item for $80. Whose product is the world going to buy assuming they have the same quality?

    We have priced ourselves out of the world market.

  4. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.” -- JFK

  5. What if a group of Americans actually stood up to the government? What if everyone finally said..."WE, THE PEOPLE"...

    I doubt anyone even knows what I'm talking about.

  6. I would point out the concept of patriotism has been warped beyond usability and that corporate welfare was too generous.

    No, America's original role was to provide plunder for her church at Rome. That will be America's final purpose once again.

  7. we already pay the highest corporate tax in the world.wonder why they leave? now you have people like obama who want to tax you again on capital gains for every matter what you other words,punish you for being successful.why anyone would vote for this guy is beyond me.higher taxes on companies only means the consumer will pay more for the the company can make up for excessive taxes to profit from their product! it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

  8. Well, you first have to look at what makes people want to take factories overseas. Labor unions, dirty politicians, OSHA, and a swarth of other good intentions have ruined the manufacturing sector of the American economy.

    First - labor unions. It is natural for everyone to want more money, more benefits, more paid sick days, more this and more that. However, not a single one of those benefits are free. Manufacturers make money by manufacturing products and then selling them to retailers. If someone gets a paid sick day, they are not manufacturing any products that day. Yet they still get paid for a day's work. The company would therefore take a double loss - the loss of the worker's work, and the loss of the worker's wage. The more people you have, the more sick days they will eventually take. That equals more lost manufacturing profits and more lost employee wages. Now add other requirements - OSHA, affirmative action, medical benefits, retirement benefits, etc. Eventually the money starts to run out.

    Politicians want the government to have more money. To get that money, they tax corporations. Not only do the corporations have to pay their employees and ever increasing wage, but they have to pay the government wages that the government did not earn. Politicians also work trade agreements. Because of the amount of money that goes into paying employees and the government, American made products tend to cost a lot more than imported "goods." The average American will overlook the American made product that sells for $18.99 and will instead get the foreign made product that sells for $7.99. When this happens, the company loses even more money.

    After this has been going on for a while, the American manufacturers realize they can no longer make a profit or stay in business with that business model. Usually they will start with small layoffs. Those layoffs are intended to save money by reducing the amount of people while keeping the amount of production the same. In essence, they are paying  fewer people to do more work.

    Once that fails, they realize that the only way to stay in business is to move factories to another country. Instead of paying 1,000 people twenty dollars an hour, they can move to Taiwan and pay 4,000 people eight dollars a day. They do not even have to pay out of pocket to meet OSHA requirements or affirmative action policies.

    By doing this, their product for $18.99 can now be sold for $7.99 and the average American will be buying it again.

    After this has been going on for years and years, the average American made product is too expensive for the average American to buy. Factories in the US must close shop and move overseas. This leads to a further domino effect / downward spiral - whatever you want to call it.

    Creating jobs is not in the job description of our elected leaders. Instead, the country has, and always will, depend on the spirit of entrepreneurship to move our economy. Unfortunately, due to the good idea fairies, that spirit is all but dead.

  9. There are good jobs in America.  They just aren't the same good jobs that existed when our grandparents were around.  For a lot of reasons of which our politicians have little control manufacturing is no longer a good paying job.  Today's jobs require education and a commitment to one's career lacking in an earlier day.  

    One of the primary reasons companies invest outside the U.S. is that it is too expensive to invest here.  Taxes are the chief culprit.  Investing is always risky, you never know if you will earn back your money.  The earnings have to cover the losses.  But when the earnings are taxed away there isn't money to cover the losses.  The U.S. has the second highest tax rate on investment in the world.   What you are witnessing is capital flight.  The jobs just go with it.

    You want to know where the good life has gone.  Before your employer can even begin to pay you 10-12% is gone in social security, workman's comp, unemployment insurance, and compliance costs.  Then they take another 10 to 40 percent for more social security, medicaid, and income tax.  Now that you get what is left you pay state income tax, city income tax, sales tax, property tax, gas taxes, excise taxes, tariffs, and other assorted fees.  Then consider that everybody else pays those taxes and to the degree possible pushes that off to the consumer meaning higher prices.  

    You want to know where your money went?  Greens fees and condo association fees.  Blasting holes in deserts, and god knows how much waste, pork, and patronage.   Half the people in the U.S. don't work.  We pay millions of people to do nothing.  We wage wars all over the globe.  Our military is in 130 nations.  We have over half of all the naval assets in the world.  There is an army of parasites bleeding our wealth.  We prop up foreign dictators, we pay subsidies to companies and individuals that go to nothing good.  We have created a vast underclass of hard core unemployed by condoning and financing their pathological behavior.  

    And what are our choices.  A candidate with a fortune in added taxes to pay for even more government, and one who plans wars beyond his grandchildren's time on this planet.  Small wonder we're all going bankrupt.

    You want a better life?  You want better wages and lower prices?  Then only vote for politicians who deliver on a smaller government.  The one we have is devouring everything we produce.

  10. It's called outsourcing.  Im just happy that someone around here can make some money.  And thats not sarcasm, at all, Im happy for those rich people that they found themselves an oppourtunity.

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