
Why has Briton failed to produce statesmen like Mandela and Ghandi?

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Why has Briton failed to produce statesmen like Mandela and Ghandi?




  1. It's all relative. we have freedom of speech and so politics are affected by populist causes. The tolpuddle martyrs - the diggers and true levellers anti poll tax campaigners suffragettes C.N.D etc. plus all the philantropists. Its more of an organic culture. Also we are a bit anti - hero over here, play it down.

    And we have a monarchy.

  2. WHAAAT? Are you a MORON? You must be, Do your own homework, I'm and American and I know better than that, Britain Rules! GBTQ~~~~!!!!!!!

  3. what about Churchill and Thatcher ?

  4. i think they had never faced situation in which they need someone to guide and someone who can raise their voice.....

    thats why such type of people never took birth in britain

  5. Because some British don’t know how to spell Britain

  6. What about Churchill!

    He was British!!

  7. WTF.

  8. That only reflects different stages in the seperate histories of the various nations. You would see if you had the opportunity to study history that goes back further than Mandela or Ghandi. You are referring to a relatively short period in history.

    I am thinking of Oliver Cromwell and Queen Elizabeth I. Even Henry VIII instituted much change and Brittania emerged to rule around the world and made English the most used language today. But for Winston Churchill, it might have become German, But for Elizabeth I, it might have been Espanol. And but for Henry VIII the UK would likely be solid Catholic today. Many extraordinary individuals had profound influence in shaping the world. Just consider India today. Was it really Ghandi or the Empire that shaped India more profoundly? I dunno.

  9. Because we're not enslaved by a colonial government.


    I think "Jeena" is confused between Mandela and Mugabe :)

  10. Gandhi and Mandela spent long years in prison, sacrificing their personal lives for the freedom of their country. They developed enormous amount of soul power with which they could shake the most powerful empire at that time in the world.

    Britain has also produced famous leaders like Disraeli, Churchill, and Thatcher who made it possible for Britain to hold on to a powerful position among the nations. But they were of different kind compared to Gandhi and Mandela. They were political giants with power earned out of wit and personal integrity.

    Britain has also produced famous philosopher like Bertrand Russel and Play wright like Bernard Shaw in recent times.

    It depends on the cause and the background of the country to produce leaders like Gandhi and Mandela.

  11. 85% of the nation is not intrested in politics, people do not like to waste there time on all this as thy have major worries of how to pay bills and mortgages before the end of the month. this is one cause.

    plus they were freedom fighters, fighting for there freedom from other countries, but britan has never been in this kinda situation else there might be some in this nation too.

    And we should not forget winston churchill he was best of the best.

  12. Briton has, the most recent are

    1. Winston Churchill

    2. Margret Thatcher

  13. The true statesmen, those who will be remembered for decades to come are those who are born from necessity, those who have struggled in the face of adversity to defend their people from all-comers.

    British politicians (well, the ones you here about) are in it for the expense accounts...

  14. you could try and spell Britain correctly

  15. Because by it's very nature Briton is an oppressor and its character today has been moulded by a long history of oppression. Oppression is inherent to it. It would therefore produce leaders that would lead oppression not freedom.

  16. Huge problem countries demand `huge` characters and saviours.    Britain just chugs along - mediocre but safe.....

    re Prime Ministers like Gorden Brown.

  17. Thatcher




    need I go

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