
Why has Canada not won a single medal so far at the Olympics this year?

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Why has Canada not won a single medal so far at the Olympics this year?




  1. lol they probly dont care. if it were hockey or lacrosse though theyd be pwnin

  2. Simply because the Canadian team sucks.

  3. there's is no excuse.

    norway,sweden etc. (winter countries with small population) has medals.

    Canada simply pathetic.

    depressing, ain't it?

    What's your excuse?

    According to a Recent popular US article on the L.A. Times.

    A little question of history. Mordecai Richler (a Canadian satirical novelist and satirical children's novelist) once suggested that what defines Canadians is the fact that we're all, quite literally, losers--and we've never gotten over the fact. Nobody actually actively chose to live here because they really liked the idea. The natives, who were always here, didn't choose to have the European-dominated country of Canada imposed on top of them--but they lost battles, and so became Canadians. Losers. The French in Quebec are Canadians because the British defeated them back in the eighteenth century (and they sure don't like that fact these days). Losers, right? The British-based population of Canada consists of two major groups: United Empire Loyalists, the people in the American colonies who sided with Britain in the war of independence and lost, and so had to flee to Ontario and the Maritimes; and immigrants from England, most obviously people who were doing poorly there, losers at the game of life who decided to set out and try again somewhere else. Losers all again. Throughout this century, people who have immigrated to Canada have tended to be people who have lost elsewhere--lost wars, lost land, etc. Losers yet again. My own ancestors came here because of pogroms in Eastern Europe that destroyed their homes--and would have preferred to go to the US but they couldn't get in, so they settled for Canada, poor losers. We Canadians aren't patriotic because we really only settle for being here, all of us, rather than being delighted by it--and we love to whine about it. Losers for sure, eh?

    Summer games is the "real" Olympics.

    winter games is just a knock off.

    Greece did not start it on slush

  4. Your question is a demonstration of what is wrong with the Olymics.

    Your question should read; why has no Canadian athlete won a medal at the Olympics.

    Canada is not a participant in the games. Only individual athletes are participants in the games and some of them happen to be Canadians.

    And to answer the question: its because the athletes have been tried and found to be wanting.

  5. Becuase it's a nanny-state nation that renders any intersest in bettering oneself to nothing.  

  6. they didn't train hard enough

  7. The games are not even half over. There is still time brother. and I am a Brit.

  8. Because competing with ourselves we can build world records but when it comes to the international scene? h**l our boys and girls have a tendency to choke up.

    Very disappointing indeed.

  9. Well lets see:

    1. Preference towards winter sports, where do they do quite well.

    2. Universities don't offer full ride scholarships for student-athletes, so the best come to the States where they can get an education and develop at the same time.

    3. The games aren't over yet!

  10. There's a lot of countries that haven't won any medals. It probably depends on how serious each country is about it. In China athletes are selected when they are kids, and taken away from their homes to do nothing but train. Those kids only get to see their families once a year. That is their whole life, training for their sport. That's why it always seems like China and the former Soviet Union always had such good athletes.  

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