
Why has d**k Cheney just given away $1billion to former soviet Georgia?

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It's the equivalent of over $1000 for every family in Georgia.

And he hasn't even got Congress approval.




  1. because the americans want a new cold war by pissing off the russians

  2. Republican's...democrats...doesn't matter. All they know how to do is spend money they dont have & tax us to get it.

  3. Oil.  d**k Cheney is cynically trying to secure oil resources for America.

  4. Wow apparently he agrees with Joe Biden.  Joe Biden also said the U.S. should give 1 billion dollars to Georgia.  d**k Cheney reached out to Joe?  I wonder if they had any discussions?  d**k Cheney clearly reached out to the democrats didn't he!

  5. That is the administration everyone is trying to keep in power.  We don't have the money to give them.  

    Take a look at your 20 & 5 dollar bill.  It is colored red.  The reason why China is saying "The money that you are spending is OURS".


  6. Its also equivilent to 27.77% of their tax revenue for the year (or 5% of their GDP)  yeah they had it really bad being at war with Russia for that one week.   On the same scale to equal what we are giving them, other countries would've had to give us 710 billion dollars for 9/11.  Thats on the same scale!  

    And you are right about the 1000 for every family...thats alot considering that per capita income is just over 4,000 per year.  The equivelent of someone giving us $10,000+ to us here!   Heck, let someone attack us for a week...I'll take that payday!

  7. I read in the paper that Georgia has key pipelines or a wealth in oil.  Know that anywhere Republicans have interest in will either have something they want to steal or exploit.  They see Russia as a competitor for some of the things they believe are their "manifest destiny" to steal I suppose.  Democrats who show interest more often than not are not promoting the agendas of special interest groups.

  8. Yet we wonder where Obama will get money for his programs..OGUUUFFFHHHH... Why can't Russia pay they messed it up..

  9. He did? omfg.

    He has issues - I Take it is his rebate Bill from the gas/energy company.

  10. Small potato's compared to the $480 Billion a YEAR we give in foregin aide, and $352 BILLION a YEAR in funding the W orld Food bank!

  11. Because just as was evident with the catastrophe that was Katrina, the current administration would rather look out for the welfare of foreign countries rather than start where we need help the most, HOME.

  12. But we can't afford to pay our fighting troops the pay they deserve for putting their lives in harms way. Think about the troops first for a change. They are the ones doing all the sacrificing.

  13. Because the Russians are invading the country and destroying everything including the news reporters camera's.........

    Fight them here or fight them there, take your pic. I am ready to invade Georgia.

    I am sure you got you $1000 per child tax refundable tax credit.

  14. Bill the American public.

    They are home watching Palin speak.

    "What luck for rulers that men do not think"

    - Adolf Hitler,

    you people are so easy, it is CRAZY!!!

  15. To help them pay for a eurofighter.

  16. to help the country rebuild

  17. But that gives the Americans a foothold in that area of the world  

  18. Why are you criticizing a rebuilding package endorsed by Obama?

    Did you even read your own article?

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