
Why has Fish & Chips ever become a national Dish for Britain?

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I have been living in Britain for the last for years but why has Fish & Chips become a traditional National British Dish. I just can't get my head around it as it's so simple FISH AND CHIPS that's all.




  1. i guess its what the people used to eat very commonly

  2. Well... i was wondering about this too :) ... actually i cant say for sure but i know that since i was like... 4th grade or something , we learned EVEN from our English books , that , fish & chips is a national dish for Britan :) YOU just have to accept this as it is , but can tell you one thing, it's veeery veeryy tasty :))

  3. Oh, it's just THAT good.

  4. Simple food is good.

  5. Sometimes the best things are simple. Seems that people are always so ready to complicate things.

    Better than the US's Burger and Fries..

  6. Burgers & fries are simple too but there aren't as many burger joints than Fish-&-Chips in the UK (thank heavens!) - that's why it's the 'National Food'.

    Having said that, American fast food is huge in Asian cities/towns because it is very well packaged commercially. Fish shops? You can count them with one hand which is a great pity - British companies are lousy in marketing anything. Globally, they are minnows as compared to American, Japanese giants (sushi shops are rivalling American names in numbers/popularity.)

    Britain is surrounded by sea; catch of the ocean naturally influence eating habits of populace. Beef needs vast tracts of land, expensive to breed therefore Britain's topography is not conducive to cattle breeding on large commercial scale.

    Fish & chips anyday for me; McDonald's maybe once a year - i call their 'food' McPuke.

  7. From the very beginning fish and chipped potatoes have been recognised by the great mass of the British population as providing a nourishing meal and offering good value for money. Even today, with many competitive products being offered in the take-away and fast food trades, the traditional British fish and chip shop is still the leader in this particular field.

  8. and cigarettes

  9. very tasty

  10. Because it rotts your teeth faster than other foods. British love that Sh*%

  11. because thats what mad e them the superpower of the world. Eating from a newspaper.

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