Really, it's getting ridiculous. Completely baseless accusations of Nazism and paedophilia, shallow, gratuitous personal insults, and ludicrous speculations on members' personal lives.
This morning I logged in to find the following email from a member with whom I've never even spoken:
"Subject: changed your avatar
Message: Thank God you changed that thing, I was so tired of looking at your cockeye."
Considering the source, it's hardly a blow to my ego, but really, how have we reached this level of schoolyard hair-pulling? Can we pull ourselves out of this infantile behaviour? Have civil debates? Maybe even act like adults, even when we disagree?
I'd really like to think that we could. I'd like to believe that we could use GWS as a medium to communicate our beliefs, our hopes, and our fears. Perhaps even sometimes reach a common understanding.
After the interactions I've seen and experienced lately, however, I really just don't see it happening.
What are your thoughts?