
Why has Israel blockaded the Gaza Strip, effectively imprisoning millions inside the area?

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Why has Israel blockaded the Gaza Strip, effectively imprisoning millions inside the area?




  1. that is not true...

    While defending its existence against hostile Arab forces, Israel took control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Facing a violent insurrection, Israel has been forced to restrict some activities of Palestinians. Israel cannot concede to Palestinians all the rights Americans take for granted in a nation that is not at war, while Arab states maintain a state of belligerency with Israel, and Palestinians engage in terrorism against Israelis.

    Given the constraints of Israel's security requirements, efforts were made from the outset to allow Palestinians the greatest possible freedom. After the Six-Day War, the traditional pro-Jordanian leadership continued to hold many civil service positions and was paid by Jordan. Municipal elections were held in 1972 and 1976. For the first time, women and non-landowners were allowed to vote.

    The 1976 election brought Arab mayors to power who represented various PLO factions. Muhammad Milhem of Halhoul, Fahd Kawasmeh of Hebron, and Bassam Shaka of Nablus were affiliated with Fatah. Karim Khalaf of Ramallah represented the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and Ibrahim Tawil of El-Bireh was associated with the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.4

    In 1978, these mayors and other radicals formed the National Guidance Committee, which vigorously opposed any accommodation with Israel, attempted to stir up broad allegiance to the PLO on the West Bank and incited rejection of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. In 1981, Israel expelled Milhem and Kawasmeh. They were allowed to return to appeal the expulsion order, but it was upheld by the Israeli Supreme Court.

    Two weeks after his expulsion, Milhem said: "There is no room for the existence of the Zionists under a situation of true peace. They are only capable of existing in a situation of tension and war...and that goes for all the parties...[they are] neither doves nor hawks, only pigs."5

    Kawasmeh was appointed to the PLO Executive Committee in 1984. Later that year, he was assassinated by Palestinian radicals in Amman.

    As part of the Camp David negotiations, Israel proposed an autonomy plan to grant the Palestinians greater control over their affairs. The Palestinians rejected autonomy as an option, however, holding out hope for the creation of a Palestinian state.

    For the rest of the decade, Israel, nevertheless, attempted to shift increasing responsibilities from the military to civilian administrators and to Palestinians. Efforts to give Palestinians greater responsibility for their affairs were undermined by the intifada. During the uprising, Palestinian Arabs who wished to cooperate with Israel came under attack and were silenced either through intimidation or murder. Israeli government officials sought to maintain a dialogue with many Palestinians, but those whose identities were discovered became targets.

    In secret negotiations in Oslo, Norway, in 1993, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators agreed to a plan that would give the latter limited self-government. Subsequent negotiations have resulted in Israeli withdrawal from nearly half the West Bank and most of the Gaza Strip, and increasing Palestinian control over their own affairs. The Palestinian Authority now governs virtually all civil affairs for approximately 98 percent of the Palestinians in the territories. The expectation is that a final political settlement will result in the creation of a Palestinian state in most of the areas once controlled by Israel.

  2. gaza declared war on israel. it only makes sense that israel would close the border.

    the better question is why has egypt sealed their border with the gaza strip. gaza didn't declare war on egypt, so that's where they should go.

    every country has the right to deal with its borders as it wants to. dozens of countries have walls or barriers on their borders.

  3. cause about 70% or more of those "millions" support HamAss, have elected HamAss, and should think who to elect next time.

    It is HamAss who is doing to its own people by behaving that special way towards Israel and the Jews.

  4. Because the Gazans declare war on Israel, and send terrorists to kill Israeli civilians.

    Why has Egypt not let Palestinians out to enjoy their resources?

    Why have the millions of Gazans voted out leaders who wanted to accept Israel's offer to end the occupation and create a Palestinian state?

  5. The reason why is because the moderate Fatah government who supports a two state peace solution was overthrown by a radical organization called Hamas. Since Hamas is radical and has the stated goal of destroying Israel and driving all the Jews into the ocean and are against a two state peace solution, Israel had to sanction the radical Hamas government until they either give back gaza to Fatah or start supporting a two state peace solution and stop condoning terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians.

  6. Because they have been given the green light by the Noe cons in Washington ,& the silence of the civilized world  , to do exactly as they please.

  7. Egypt blockaded there side as well.  Why do you limit it to just Israel?

    Anyways it has to do with the UN ordering the blockade because a terrorist organization runs it and forced it to break from Palestinian Authority.  They shoot rockets into Israel and a few times into Egypt and smuggle weapons.

    If Israel and Egypt did not do this than they would face sanctions from the UN. Before the UN imposed blockage Egypt only let Gazans enter Egypt who had a spouse in Egypt or was doing business.  Israel let Gazans in for medical treatrment(and still does but takes longer)

  8. It's a secret plan by the Israeli government to surprise the Palestinians with a Guinness book of world records breaking attempt at the largest pizza party in the history of the species EVER!

  9. Hello Gottbaum ,

    Because within those Gaza borders there are terrorist groups which were supposedly "elected" by Gazans.  The terrorist groups are namely Hamas and Islamic Jihad.  Those terrorist groups not only launch rockets into the south of Israel, they also attempt to send in suicide bombers, which is the reason for the restrictions Israel has imposed upon them. The checkpoints and borders are designed to eliminate as much crime against humanity as possible.

    They have even attempted to send suicide bombers into Israel while posing as a person needing medical treatment in an Israeli hospital.  They even launch rockets onto the hospital where Gazans are being treated - just to demonstrate how irrational they are.

    Furthermore, it is those terrorist groups who cause most of the harm and crime within Gaza.  They are the ones causing most of the murders within Gaza and blame them on Israel.

    Israel is the victim - not Gaza. Hence, Gazans are imprisoned by their own choices and not by Israel.  We removed "occupation" in 2005.  Any problems they encounter are of their own fabrication.


    Ms. Mic he ; })

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