
Why has Microsoft named it's developing framework as '.NET'?

by  |  earlier

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This question came up since we know '.' defines a domain name that follows after, does Microsoft imply this on it's framework, is it related to the 'Net'...It surely is a gr8 framework (coz it saves a lotta time and is quite easy) but the name !!!???




  1. we'll same idea here, but a little google on the subject takes me to this article that might explain why .Net,  LOL


    The .NET vision

    The vision of .NET – and it is still, by and large, a vision rather than a reality – is one in which the Internet is a true extension of your computer. Instead of computing being desktop-centric, it will be Net-centric. You won't buy and install software; instead you'll subscribe to it and access it on the Net, where it will be hosted on remote servers. Your data, your preferences, your identifying info, too, will all be on the Net. Everything will become a Web service, and that means resources such as storage as well as software.

    hope this helps.

  2. lol yea it made me wonder too.....but then i though probably cos it has a lot of library files providing complete support (to a good extend) for building network compatible applications and also most of them auto complete as soon as you type "."  :)  

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