
Why has Nancy Pelosi's book sales been pathetic?

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Are L*****n wiccans spending all their money on gas? Elite socialist women have a chihuahua in each arm and can't pick up a book? Why would the first female speaker of the house, and third in line to the presidency, have such pathetic numbers like her congressional approval rating? What does this say about how real americans view rich, elitist, socialist liberals?




  1. It's just a guess mind you, but I would have to say that it is because no one cares what she has to say. I dare say most people could not tell you what district Pelosi represents and had no idea she even existed before she became the speaker.

  2. She is pathetic herself.

    What has she done?

    We on the left all had such high expectations when the Dems won the majority.  Did she try to de-fund the war?  Did she try to impeach the president? She has done nothing but stay the course in politics as usual.

  3. What on earth does Nancy Pelosi have to say that anyone would want to hear, or would be dumb enough to believe?

    Seriously....   what a BAD EXAMPLE of a public servant.

  4. Because she's pathetic ...........................

    Good Luck

  5. I can't possibly imagine who would want to read anything she has to say.  

  6. What does it say about how real Americans view rich, elitist socialist liberals?  It says that real Americans don't care what she thinks.

    It is her job to listen to US, a job she has failed miserably at.  So if I think she is not listening to me, why should I listen to her?  I don't share her values or opinions.  She is entitled to her opinions, but I am entitled to respectfully disagree with her.

  7. Who would want a book  that is filled with excuses for broken promises.

  8. Because it's not a cook book.

    Maybe if she included a recipe for homemade apple pie, people might buy it.

  9. no one want to read some yenta's babbling.............

  10. What does it say about how real Americans view rich, elitist socialist liberals? It says that real Americans don't care what she thinks.

    It is her job to listen to US, a job she has failed miserably at. So if I think she is not listening to me, why should I listen to her? I don't share her values or opinions. She is entitled to her opinions, but I am entitled to respectfully disagree with her.

    And I don't generally read books by people I disagree with.

  11. Who would want to read a book authored by Pelosi??  Not me thank you very much, I in fact despise what this person represents!!!!!

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