
Why has Obama broken his promises to the American public?

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Obama has promised change if he is elected yet I see more change coming from John McCain than Obama. McCain has picked Sarah Palin as his VP. She is an washington outsider who has strong family values and moral integrity. Obama picks Joe Biden, a washington insider who has been on the hill for 30 years. What kind of change is that?




  1. It's all lies from politicians. I mean really, that's the only thing they're good at.

  2. Just because Palin is an outsider doesn't mean she's qualified. She might not even be effective due to her lack of experience. Obama recognizes he lacks experience and chose Biden as balance.

  3. Obama is mainly saying we need a change from the last 8 years.  McCain and Palin's ideas are pretty much the same as Bush's.  Tax-cuts for the wealthy, an energy policy which encourages more oil consumption and more tax breaks for big oil, a continuation of the occupation in Iraq, continuing the attack on g**s, the rights of a woman to chose, torture, and ignoring the environment.  Being a puppet for the NRA, the pharmaceuticals,  and big oil companies, and Wall Street.

  4. He hasn't.  

  5. How dumb are you man, I don't understand how people don't see through his choice for VP. It's obvious he just wanted a woman to try and gain some hillary supporters, thank god most of them aren't that idiotic  

  6. Obama is offering change from how Washington has been run for many many years. McCain and Palin represent the same old thing. McCain has voted WITH Bush more than 90 percent of the time. Biden has consistently stood up to Washington.

    As for FAMILY VALUES (pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze) how about McCain cheating on his disabled wife with a woman half his age???

    How about Sarah getting on a plane for an 8 hour flight knowing she was in labor with a special needs child??? Then, going back to work a couple days after the child was born? Running in an election that will occupy 125 percent of her time and energy when she has a new born child??? Family values? I don't think so.

  7. Back to the Cracker Barrel theme,huh?

  8. Who would you say was a better choice? I thought he made a very smart decision. Obama is the man in charge and he wanted someone who had a lot of experience to be at his side. McCain picked a woman to look progressive. He doesn't care about women's rights so he picks someone who also isn't for women's rights. How is that change?

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