
Why has Obama gone into hiding instead of making a grand statement about Gustav's impact like McCain and Bush?

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Is Obama tone deaf to what the US needs as it flounders in fear and ignoance? "Eight is enough"? Wasn't that a TV show that failed?




  1. Speaking of "Things that failed" ...

    How 'bout this question?

  2. He has not went in to hiding he has to give the Republicans air time dumbass.... But go watch his new VP pick with larry king live , she knows nothing and shes under ivestigation now.

  3. Because he's trying to figure out how he can handle it so that everyone swoons over his brilliance.  If the media just stuck a mic in his face, he would stammer and not be real sure what to say.

  4. Senators Obama and Biden will be in the hurricane disaster area based on the wishes of first responders.  Obama has already asked his supporters to donate to Gustav's victims which is more than the Republican party ever did for New Orleans during Katrina--or since.  Eight Is Enough was a wildly popular TV show, which lasted from 1977 to 1981.

  5. He is still on vacation...

  6. Somebody let the air out of his sail, he's dead in the water.  

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