
Why has Obama switched his position over four times already on Iran and Afganistan?

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When is he going to show us one tiny example of leadership finally and when is he finally going to give us a position on something rather than counter punch himself after the other candidate steadfastly give us his position in a diplomatic way?




  1. Cause the middle East is a **** hole of a mess, period.

  2. Obama is not worried about foreign policy or anything to do with the job of President.  Instead he is worried about what people say about his wife.  He is spending all his time trying to head off any questions about his ability.  He has no business being President.  He maybe in 10 or 15 yrs of being in the Congress or Senate.  He is not  ready.

  3. Confused man.

  4. Because he speaks before he has all the facts. Therefor every time he receives new information, he changes his position. That's what we need, another President who jumps

    to conclusions.

  5. as long as no-one votes for john macain... as long as it's a democrat! VOTE DEMOCRAT

  6. He has different positions on everything, depending on who he is talking to. The man is a phony. Just another slick talking Chicago lawyer and professional politician.

  7. Read my lips 16 months. More USA Troops would be going over to inflate someone profits. Saw it for fourteen years with Vietnam. Thank you Senator Obama.

  8. Don't u switch gear to move on. Other wise u stay where u are.

    Obama is better. OBAMA 2008

  9. Because he hasn't figured out which view will help his campaign the best. Once he figures out what the majority of the American people want to hear, he will stick to something.

  10. because Obama doesn't have a clear view of his own. How can he make it clear to us? he is clueless, and we will be in for a terrible 4 years if he is somehow elected. charisma, if you want to call it that, is no prerequisite for being president!

  11. Why?  Because he is clueless.

  12. when are you going to give us evidence that he has actually said this instead of stating an opinion and not a fact? have you looked at your other candidate lately John McCain is just another president Bush who will ruin our country and our war even more than it already is. Obama is better. OBAMA 2008

  13. What part of "liberal" don't you understand, Rich?



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