
Why has Sarah Palin pumped up the republicans SO much?

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Campaign donations are flowing in by the millions!

The excitement hasn't been this high in years!

What's you're opinion of this exciting ticket? Does it represent real change and not rhetoric?

Two mavericks on the ticket and a party rallying behind them.

What are your thoughts?




  1. About a 75 electoral loss for them.

  2. She is just the thing or republican party needs, she brings out the worst in the democrats for the world to see. The democrats seem to forget women are the majority and with Palin we will get a strong woman leader, one who like McCain, doesn't fold into her party just for politics, but brings about real change. The two Mavericks will be unstoppable! !

  3. Her being free of DC corruption and the way her life mirrors so many middle income americans will be a very big help to the campaign.

  4. I think it's great.  Put folks have to admit, no matter which side of the fence you are on, this is one of the most interesting presidential elections ever.

  5. LOL, the Libs are scared and the answers on here show it otherwise they would have passed this question by but there is actually a group that was , I'll say " hired " to attack questions and blogs like this. Sorry , my source is real but

    confidential . So I'm not surprised at any of these answers. Sarah Palin will reem Joe Binden and Obama a new one

  6. I think she represents real change.  She has demonstrated in her home and state that she talks the talk and walks the walk.  She is young and vibrant and full of honest hope for the future.

  7. Because McCain is kind of boring. Palin bring a lot of energy.

  8. Wooo. That's new.

    It is common knowledge that when the Republicans see a PROBLEM, they throw money at it.

    The more money...the bigger the problem.

  9. First off as Republicans I'm not sure what you guys want them to change from the Bush administration. Isn't that like admitting this administration has been a disaster so vote McCain/Palin for change, sorry, real change. Whatever you may mean by those two words.

    I'm not excited about the ticket. Senator McCain does not excite me and his pick for VP excites me even less. Country first? Please tell me it's a joke. If Obama is elected and dies or is killed, I can see Biden taking over. I'm having a rather difficult time envisioning Palin being the commander in chief. She self proclaims she knows next to nothing about Iraq, imagine how little she knows about anything else. Putting it bluntly, she was picked because she is a pro-life woman, not a Washington insider and would give more rights to a fetus than the woman carrying that fetus. No, sorry, not excited at all. Oddly enough with a pregnant unmarried daughter, it's the family values and religious right who are against any kind of abortion who seem to be drooling all over themselves. I seriously doubt if she will win over Hillary supporters with her stances on issues.

  10. because she's very conservative... they didn't like McCain being "luke warm"

    I don't know how the independents will feel about her... since she is very coservative

    I'm still not sure how she represents "change" since she sounds EXACTLY like every other Republican I know... very much like Bush in 2000 in fact...

    30 percent of McCain's 43 percent that he pulls in polls are Bush fans remember... and these are the ones that are excited...

    why would those who like Bush, be excited about change?

  11. Yes! THIS is real change. Obama is just another far-left socialist (dime a dozen), and Biden is just another old-time DC insider.

  12. I am an independent and I haven't made any donation to either party.

    However, I will donate money to the McCain & Palin campaign tomorrow for sure.

    I don't hate Obama in person, but he is a slick talker.

    I don't love McCain, but Palin is fresh face that Republican party needs.

    I kinda liked Hillary Clinton, but the stupid democrat party stole her delegates and gave it to inexperienced senator Obama with questionable ties to Muslim, Racial black church pastor.

    We need a true, smart candidate to be on the ticket on Nov. 2008.

    Sarah Palin (on McCain ticket) will WIN!  

    P.S.: We will think of how to deal with the riots by racial blacks, and his Michelle wife, after Obama will lose this election after all the hype fired up by the national TV media.

  13. Sarah excites people because she's proven that she is a real person.  

    I don't get this tripe about 1.5 years of experience.  Before she was a Governor she was a mayor.  She has much administrative and political experience.

    The grace and charm with which she has faced all the "bad mom" press is enlightening.  Who cares if her daughter is pregnant, if her near son-in-law does not go to school, her husband was arrested over 20 years ago for a DUI, and is an independent?  It just shows the open mindedness of the woman, and isn't that an important factor when dealing with all the differences that exist in politics and America?

    I am totally apalled to hear every day more tripe.  I think Obama is taking the high road on the pregnant teen issue, and bravo for him!  After all, experience wise, they are equal, and as far as the reputations of young women in each of their lives, his mother was also 17 when she got pregnant with him.  It does not matter.  

    I'm not electing her husband, her 17 year old daughter, or Obama's mother.  I'm voting for one of the above, whichever one proves to be more reliable and be able to, by track record, provide REAL change, not the change of politics.

    "Read my lips; no new taxes"  I voted for that man, too.

  14. When I heard about this i was so mad does mccain think that picking a women will win all hilary's shaken supporters for months mccain has been calling obama inexprienced but he picks a person with less exprience than obama does this man understand that if he wins and dies while in office which is a distinctive possibilly that she becomes president then we're really gonna be screwed I am really ashamed of the republicans OBAMA O8

  15. Because she and her family will help set a moral standard in our country... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHAH!

    I was almost able to hold that in.

    I better not have a bad break up with her sister... she'll send her cabinet fire me.

    Though, she has convinced me to throw away all my condoms...

  16. More corruption and hypocrisy from the Republicans! How shocking!

    The only thing Palin should be leading is the conga line at her stupid daughter's shotgun wedding.

    LMAO! What a pack of losers!

  17. I hear a Republican explosion in the near future. Can you say Palin controversy regarding Troopergate? She may be the first V.P. to have to drop out due to federal charges against her. Theres the CHANGE Republicans don't want.

  18. Because they mistakenly think that women across America will vote along gender lines (ignoring that palin is anti-choice)

  19. I sure as heck don't understand it.  From the moment I read her bio I felt she was unqualified.  

    Contrary to the left's view that she wasn't vetted, I've seen nothing really damning.  So her husband had a DUI 22 years ago?  So her teenager is pregnant?  

    Truthfully I think the left is blowing it by overplaying the attacks.  They will backfire.  

    So is this a brilliant move by McCain, expecting all the hoopla?  Did he just role the dice?  Did he blow it?  I don't really know, but I have a bad feeling about Palin as VP.

  20. McCain was a maverick once. He have embraced what he avoided in 2000. Sarah Palin is what he avoided in 2000. He was a maverick in 2000, not now.  

  21. Considering all that is coming out about the fed money she went after as a mayor (27mil for a 7000 pop town) expect the pumping to stop soon...

    And that is the tip of the iceburg...

  22. They're beating up on the only of the 4 with executive experience & she's a woman with values.

  23. Ex--Democrat here.  I'm sending them a donation tomorrow.  It's about time to have a good ticket that includes a smart female.  Hillary would have done that too, but Palin is my girl.  

  24. I'm thinking Palin may be off the ticket by the end of the week, citing "family concerns", i.e., troopergate.  

  25. She is for everything we are for.Can you imagine a Huckabee-Palin ticket? That combo would be truly unstoppable! As it is they will easily beat the has been competition.

  26. Hypocrisy.  McCain has been bashing Obama for lack of experience and then picks a running mate with absolutely ZERO experience, who openly states that she doesn't know the responsibilities of the VP, and clearly was only picked because she's a woman and McCain wants to fool ex-Hillary voters into voting for him.

    It's going to backfire BIG TIME and the McCain campaign will not be able to recover.

  27. She's a reformer,  intellegent,honest, down to earth, and very pretty, infact the prettest Vice Presidentaul candidate we've ever seen!

  28. It represent everything Obama has been preaching for the last 6 month. Fresh faces and changes although this time its from the republican side and it does not only include a long time experienced politician but a strong woman with very high values and morales. I keep saying to whoever wants to listen that no matter how much Obama and his campaign get covered by the media as being avant garde the fact is that we are a conservative nation and more and more we are getting stronger in our values such as our religion (yes while separated from politics it is still important) and our core values such as family and protection of our history patrimony.

    McCain Palin is a boost to the old predictable tandem we are used to but with a zest of conservatism.  

  29. Because Mcain is a liberal who wants to turn America into a third world illegal immigrant hellhole and expand American empire.

  30. Because it's going to take some gutsy people to tackle the issues of the day, and McCain/Palin fill the ticket perfectly.  

  31. Because she does represent REAL change. Not he fodder Obama is spouting. It was working a little until he picked a 36 year veteran DC insider with huge lobbyist ties. Yeah, that's real change alright.

    She's a non DC insider with truly fresh inspirations.

    For those that are saying McCain used to be a Maverick but isn't now. I say that you're just scared on two fronts. One, you really can't say anything bad about Palin for fear of the liberal feminists movement backlash. And two, picking her really does show how much of a Maverick he is. Libs just don't want to admit it.

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