
Why has Speaker Pelosi closed the House for recess?

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Why has Speaker Pelosi, who promised bi-partisan efforts and civility for the House in 06, closed the House for recess and won't allow any vote when almost all of the Republicans and some Democrats (many more may join) would like (as many have gathered in the House today) to continue conversations on efforts (including alternative energy sources) to get us more energy independent and to ease gas prices for all Americans? She has shut off electricity to the chamber and has "removed" CSPAN coverage.




  1. She did that because they were all getting restless and needed some time to play on the jungle gym and swings.  The big babies.

  2. Pelosi is a snap shot what is wrong with our political system. Only someone as stupid as pelosi could have a lower approval rating than bish

  3. b/c she had a non refundable airline ticket

  4. She got too close to getting work done and had to put an end to it.

  5. because Republicans blew off efforts to open the oil reserve to curb the speculation. Time to clean house of cretin Republicans in november.

  6. they are just grandstanding. Why would you want to give oil companies more land to NOT drill on? They already dont drill 2/3 of the land they lease. The do this to stop small companies from leasing the land and actually DRILLING on it. They do this to stop competition.

    Even if they do drill more (which they have stated they WILL NOT) they will sell most of it to China and Japan no to the US market.

  7. Because Congress has taken the month of August off for over 200 years despite wars, recessions, etc.

    It is fundraising month for the November elections.

    This grandstanding by the Republicans is a publicity stunt that even Fred Barnes admitted to.

  8. She's an idiot?

  9. Opening the oil reserve never lowers the price of oil. Check out 1991 during the Gulf War. All the oil released was sold overseas. The American people saw no relief from it. Pelosi is an idiot, but she really is just a symptom. All politicians care about one thing, which is themselves. As long as special intrests are paying large sums of money to congressmen they will never represent you. That is why this two party system is broken.

  10. She closed the house because she is stuck between a rock & a hard place & needs to figure out what to do.  The dems can either listen to the voters or continue to let the liberal tree huggers run their party.  They have to decide between votes or the people who carry the money for them.

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