
Why has Y/A turned into a contest between obama and bristol or sarah palin? ?

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obama is not running against bristol or sarah he is running against mccain so can the O supporters please get back to viciously bashing mccain like they used to do. i kind of miss the ridiculous allegations and smears against mccain lol




  1. dems have their panties in a bunch!!!  i'm kinda enjoying the hoopla.

    and Ms. Palin is exhibiting such class.  makes me proud to be an American.

  2. It's all they got

  3. I guess the Neocons regret bashing Obama's wife and daughters now...  I think their unwarranted attacks against the Obamas has fueled the prolonged discussion of Palin's daughter.

  4. it is an obama tactic to go for the family and the children who are most vulnerable  again  getting blair hulls divorce records released to embarrass him then jack ryans divorce records released to embarrass his family to the point where he too dropped out of the race to protect his child from anymore vicious attacks then they attacked alan keyes and his daughter because she was a homosexual and ruined their relationship to this day  

  5. It's obviously not  contest between the 2, but this is how it started...

    1.McCain chose Palin

    2.Dems said "wait, I thought experience was THE issue, now Palin doesn't have much of it?"

    3. Repubs said "well she's more experienced that Obama"

    And so the comparison began... notice that the Repubs started the comparison to defend Palin - the Dems did not start the comparison.

  6. Because McCain may not make it 4 years/

  7. Obama supporters are desperate.

  8. Smell the fear, my friend.  O supporters are running scared.

    he hehe

  9. because they can't stake up Obama and McCain and win, so like always they think women are weaker and shouldn't be in politics, so they will continue to bash Sarah and the Palin family cause she is a woman, you know, just like they did with Hillary

  10. Because they see that Obama is not as experienced as McCain so they attack the one they perceive as weak.  Surprise, she's not weak.  

  11. Because the Disney section is out of order.

  12. People in America love a family drama more than an election. Palin and her family are becoming pop culture icons.

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