
Why has bullying/teasing become so common in schools?

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i have a very short height and get teased everyday about 4 times. it hurts me alot and then when i return home i feel like crying

im an 8 grader and look like a 4 grader




  1. bullies are insecure about themselves and seek to fill that gap by making themselves feel good as they can make fun of you and you wont retaliate but i'm not suggesting you do

    ignore them when you don't react they don't get their desired effect and will got bored

    or you can find their insecurity and openly rubbish them about it

  2. Dear Dan,

    It won't be easy to escape from all the teasing, but you should face it or u'll end up feeling deppressed. Bullying become so common, because these days alot of parents don't teach values to their children anymore.

    Including values not to hurt other's feeling. But as for the being hurt, you can't let those people bring you down.

    You should train what u'r good at, instead of paying attention to all the teasers which won't bring u any good!

    You should see that even thou u'r not as taller as d 8 grader, but u do hv all ur body parts completely, ur brain functions normally. Alot of others who aren't lucky as u are.

    As for your height, the height is determined by the genes. U can make d most of d genetic make up by eating healthy food, getting proper sleep & exercising regularly.

    U should do more sports, like swimming or playing basket, bcos they're one of the few sports that d major piece of the equiptment is you. U're still young, so u still have chance to grow taller.

    Don't be sad,

    u're too blessed to be stressed !

    Good Luck, Dan !

  3. Just be yourself and do not worry what others say. Think positive

  4. I'm sorry that you're being bullied.  But it isn't anything new. Bullying has been part of school since schools were started.  It's how you handle it that matters.  Be strong and don't stoop to their level.

    Also talk to you school counselor, they should know that  it's happening and will help you deal with it.  They may have to deal with the bully.

    Good luck

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