
Why has former Republican candidate Ron Paul, raised more money from soldiers stationed overseas than McCain?

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Didn't Dr. Paul endorse ending the Iraq war and bringing the soldiers home?

"Among soldiers serving overseas at the time of their donations, 134 gave a total of $60,642 to Obama while 26 gave a total of $10,665 to McCain. That was less than the amount received by Republican Ron Paul, who collected $45,512 from 99 soldiers serving abroad, the report said."

Never mind the donations to Obama, why can't McCain get more donations than a man who has been out of the race for over 6 months?




  1. Ron Paul appeals to Libertarian gun nuts and similar social misfits.   Social misfits sometimes end up in the military because they can't function in the real world.

    The total number of voters involved, 259,  is too small be meaningful anyway.

  2. more will vote for McCain than osama

  3. Three times I clicked on the link you provided, and three time I got a blank, white screen.

    I don't really know if I believe this or not.

  4. Ron Paul is an idiot, who appeals to idiots. His answers are easy and populist, but don't really address problems and solutions, and no cause and effect, just whiny clinging on to cheap slogans.

    If your trying to suggest the military wants us out of Iraq? You won't find many that do. Most of them understand why we are there, and wouldn't ever want the US to leave if it meant defeat and that their friends died for something that would be forsaken for political purposes.

    I really doubt Ron Paul has gotten more contributions from GIs than McCain. Like the sophist he is, Paul probably chose a time when he did get more from some group, but he won't be honest and specify. Most military see Paul as a snotty little rat, and anyone with at least half a brain see's through his half truth populist garbage.

  5. This spells doom for McCain.  

    If he can't raise money from the military, who should have his back (like they did with Bush 2x), then I'm not sure he has any chance at this point.

  6. Because on paper, Ron Paul appealed to people, look at his internet masses of support...but came the day of the voting, he flopped. Why ? because internet junkies and blogsters aren't generally known for getting out into the real word and casting votes.

    Military people have a keen sight on what America needs, they are defending the nation, and over seas on the front lines. They do'nt sit in their homes always playing couch potatoe, or watching oprah, or whining about the government. They are out there, in harms way, acting as our guardians.

    McCain is no conservative, he's been backstabbing the republican base for a long time, and conservatives in general are the ones that go out and put themselves on the line. Not to say all military are conservatives, but the majority of them are.

    Just because you survived a PoW camp, that might gain you respect, but doesn't really propell you forward on the campaign trail when the average soldier know's what's important and see's McCain pulling all this buddying up to the liberals junk he does.

    The man has lost sight of what is best for America and is caving in on issues that will ruin the country economically if he goes through with it.

  7. because people like u will vote on a president because of something as mundane as this.

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