
Why has general civic participation decreased over the past few decades?

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Is it because society is much too fast-paced today and because of that people have little time and energy for it?




  1. Because the control of the masses is pushing in

  2. to many think that TV is just to good i guess they bought in to

    the must see TV slogan

    do yourself a favor and shoot your TV

  3. jimmy Carter had it right when he called it a 'Great national malaise'... people are eating well and living well, so they really don't see a need to get involved.

  4. Americans work more today than ever before.

  5. The biggest problem is the size and scope of government. With our ever expanding federal government moving into all facets of life there is no need for people to participate. Before the nanny government took over people fended for themselves and local groups assisted those who could not. The idea of big government has crushed local civic duty. If you want volunteers to support the community you cannot tax people and pay someone to do the same thing.

  6. Everything is me, me, me. What can you do for me. Why should I do anything, if it really needs to be done someone else will will do it. We have become Lazy & Ignorant.


  7. i dont even think people know what it is anymore.  that and the fact that government is doin away with the average citizen

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