
Why has hatred and violence towards Hispanics increased?

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Do you believe that this hatred and violence has increased because of the one sided media coverage? It's seems that the media only talks about and glorifies the bad. The violence hasn't only increased towards illegal Hispanics, but now it's aimed at the legal ones to.

The poisonous residue of immigrant scapegoating has accumulated in the margins, fueling the rise of hate groups setting their sights on Latinos, regardless of citizenship status.

According to a recent study published by the Southern Poverty Law Center, hate crimes are on the rise, with attacks on Latinos increasing in tandem with the intensification of the immigration debate. Since 2000, the number of hate groups has swelled by 48 percent, and attacks on Latinos have spiked by 35 percent between 2003 and 2006. While anti-immigrant candidates are repeatedly thrashed in national elections, this has not stopped their like-minded progeny in the street from taking matters into their own hands, confident that their actions are legitimized by what's happening around them.




  1. It's due in large part of the larger influx of Hispanics, most of whom are racist.

  2. Any violence is unacceptable, and the ugly protests the pro-illegals held in our streets was unacceptable.  It's no one's fault other than our leaders who refuse to take care of this situation, and who refused to enforce our laws decades ago and allowed this situation to happen.

  3. i know hun this is a free country or supossed to be anyway and when they come here they all get treated like dogs!!!i know alot of hispanics and they are some of the best people you will ever met they are hard working and very kind.i would say maybe america is jelous of the fact they come over here and do the jobs no american will do.also for the white people on here you never said anything about how our ancestors treated black people all you can do is talk about the voilent things the hispanics do!!!!!

  4. It's because Americans feel violated that they can not find good paying jobs in America, it's because they have to learn Spanish in their own company, it's because Hispanics are buying out a lot of property and making it their own. It's because New Mexico and Puerto Rico are apart of the United States.

    It's because of the hispanic gang violence, it's becuse of the large number population of hispanics recieveing welfare (tax payers)  it's

    because of the spoon-fed privelleges that they get.

    It's because of the thoudsands of others who have to work so hard to get into America the right way that don't get in while so many illegals get to stay.

    It's because what Americans call a lack of respect for not mastering another country's language before moving into it, and becuase of the obvious pride many hispanics have of their own country as opposed to America itself.

    I am personally non-viloent, I am on no one's side. Mankind's hatred of themselves and eachother is what is going to lead us all to the end. It's comming faster than most of you know.

    Peace, Love, and resepct should be like water, we need it to come together as a whole.

  5. I don't know but I've never met a hispanic I didn't like and they are the most hospitable people ever.

  6. Most of the hate crimes  hispanic against hispanic,there was a gang fight here in Utah where a mexican shot another mexicans kid .It was a drive by shooting.

    EDIT: Mexico City continues to experience major crime problems, particularly with street crime and kidnappings. It is estimated that there are between 2000-3000 crimes committed on the street every day. Approximately 600 are reported (2000 average). Most of these are muggings, although the breakdown of the figures runs the gamut of criminal activity.

    Both police and military corruption remain large problems in Mexico, and are mostly fueled by the lucrative drug trade and migrant smuggling.

    The persistence of corruption at certain levels of the administration and the police has prevented effective crime control efforts.

    Mexican drug cartels deliver more than half of the methamphetamine supply into the United States. Now why would you think these people would change their ways just because they are in the USA?????

  7. Two words--LOU DOBBS

  8. Well, from perspective i have seen my town change so much. The hispanics have made themselves very comfortable here even if they aren't legal. They are mostly very rude and pushy. My neighbors that are hispanics whom i have tried to be neighbourly to are just plain rudeeeeeeee. I try to treat people as they treat me, but i don't like being rude:{ So i just go about my own business. But, i am alittle upset as i have been trying to find help to move before i become homeless. I only get doors shut in my face. But, why are these hispanics able to get houses, cars and everything else they seem to get???? I belive they are recieving help from my own Government that turns me down and i know this happens to many US Citizens..

  9. Unfortunately America is being invaded by illegal alien criminals and it is pi$$ing Americans off.

    Violence is never the answer.

    And neither is illegal entry in the USA.

  10. How about the illegal alien who murdered a father and his 2 sons in the Peoples Republic of San Francisco ?

    He was protected from being deported by their " Sanctuary" law.

    Good Luck

  11. I detest violence and would never condone it, but please stop trying to portray these lawbreakers as innocent victims who do no harm. Their numbers are increasing in my city, and my husband may well lose his job to cheap, illegal labor. Do you have any humanitarian concern for our children?

  12. i know man i am a legal immigrant and a lot of people i dont even know start to call names without even having any idea of who i am.


  13. i think because so many illegal are Hispanic and they commit so much crime

  14. its because their are more mexicans here than ever before i heard in 50 years mexicans will be the majority race in america and that scares white people

  15. Because they think they are making a difference.

    Since the government knows they need illegals

    they dont do much so they get mad and get violent.

    If illegals are violent,carry disease,and dont contribute

    the government would do something

    but since they dont that should say something

  16. i think that its one of the main problems , however it is not all fault of the media . there is something called 'educate yourself and then decide what really is logic' which a group of people are obviously not doing and of course there is the group of haters which see nothing but only the bad not matter how hard u try to educate them which are even worst than the first group . if u have notice most of this individuals speak only one language and only know one culture so because of that it is way too easy to fill them up with lies and to leave them that way for a good long while because of their lack of any kind of education and because many of them are just too lazy to try to make some logical thinking and to start blaming themselves for their own situations . most of them see as a problem having more than one language in America GASP !!! and believe than the undocumented do not pay any Taxes even when everyone obviously has to do it not matter what GASP GASP !!! .

    happily most Americans are not that way otherwise this country would poof in just one second !!!

    by the way some will believe anything negative they are told about the undocumented but won't even chek their own sources , for example : i more than once have read than there is a lot of undocumented in welfare however if one goes google who is getting welfare what one would find out its than the Hispanics in particular account to only a 17 percent of the welfare recipients , if one searches further then one would find out than most of those Hispanics in welfare are form either Cuba or Puerto Rico , so knowing this i just wonder why can't they just go google instead of giving a bunch of uneducated guesses .

  17. The illegals wont stop invading or get the heck out!  Deportation, we'll do it for you!!

  18. one word:

    racism :(

  19. is the proportional number actually increasing? or as more hispanic people are in america the number of crimes rises at the same rate, causing an apparent spike while in all honesty not all sides of any story are ever covered?

    one can argue many sides to all these type stories but the bottum line is anyone crossing our borders without the proper documentation should not be here.

  20. "Illegals Go Home"

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