
Why has intervention of america in iraq done good?

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  1. It has made things worse

    We killed way more people than Saddam ever did, and so what that he tortured his own people- Bush is doing it now

  2. First how would you measure 'good'. However from the perception it hasn't done any good. Shattered the country into pieces and killed millions.

    Then this notion that we removed the tyrant and gave Iraqis freedom. WHO DO YOU THINK SUPPORTED THAT TYRANT & WHO DO YOU THINK ARMED HIM. When Iraq invaded Iran & killed million (backed by US & supplied by US) there was no condemnation then. He used these weapons against Iranians including chemical weapons.

    Don't forget Hallabja, when Saddam gassed innocent Kurds -

    there was no CONDEMNATION then, rather US still supported Saddam. Only reason he was attacked when he invaded Kuwait, he had become a threat to Israel. US turned a blind eye when he was butchering his own people & Iraqi dictator wouln't be the only one US would turn a blind eye.

    Oh yes the terrorism, that Saddam had connections with terrorism, that is when even CIA was saying there is NO connection. There was no connection between Saddam & 9/11, AlQeeda or Bin Laden. Now even conceded by Bush!

    However now Alqaeeda is roaming free in Iraq, targeting US troops and innocent civilians (Pandora's box opened by illegal US war) - not to mention Shitte insurgency.

    So far 1236604 are dead (of course this doesn't matter), 4125 of our troops (hey it was their job, so what) BUT note this, the cost of Iraq war thus far is;

    $538352761450 - not including the veterans disabled for life (what price would you put on that!).

    + So what's the difference?

    ~ 2003 Dec 16, (Bush) to Diane Sawyer, as she presses about the administration's verbiage about Iraqi WMD vs. the fact none were used or found

    + "The president dragged me into a room with a couple of other people, shut the door, and said, 'I want you to find whether Iraq did this.' Now he never said, 'Make it up.' But the entire conversation left me in absolutely no doubt that George Bush wanted me to come back with a report that said Iraq did this.

    ~ (Richard Clarke), Adviser to Reagen, Bush Snr, Clinton & Bush.

    "I'm saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: The Iraq war is largely about oil."

    ~ Alan Greenspan

  3. Got rid of one of the most vicious dictators in history, responsible for the torture and murder of 300,000 of his own people, including the use of weapons of mass destruction; not counting his wars of aggression against his neighbors.

    Allowed the Iraqi people to vote, at which they were so enthusiastic that the overwhelming majority went to the polls despite violence and death treats by Saddam's old confederates.

    Ended the Iraqi government's practice of supporting terrorism at home and abroad, with both money and political support.

    Kept the global conflict mainly in its lands of origin, slowing down its spread to the West.

    Allowed the most courageous and patriotic of the Iraqi people to step forward and create a more just governmental system, which they did and still do at the risk of their own lives.

    Allowed the valor of the Iraqi people to press forward; I believe that in the future, their efforts will be celebrated by the entire world.

  4. Try this one with an open mind.

    Why do we have to fight in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and everywhere for Israel?

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