
Why has it been rumored in Alaska Palin's "5th child" might really be her teenage daughter's unwed birth?

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Why has it been rumored in Alaska Palin's "5th child" might really be her teenage daughter's unwed birth?




  1. Aside from the photos that appear to show Gov.Palin's daughter pregnant and the governor not, it is the story of Palin's giving birth that has raised so many questions. According to Palin, she was at an energy conference in Dallas when she went into labor. Her water didn't break, but she was leaking amniotic fluid. Yet, despite that, she got up and gave a 30 minute speech. Then, she went to the airport and took a commercial flight home to Alaska and went to a hospital near her home in Wasilla. In total, 8 hours of travel time while she was in labor. Palin has said she already knew that the fetus had Down's Syndrome. Either Palin wasn't pregnant or she showed reckless disregard for her special needs child.

  2. It's because Liberal's like to smear anyone who don't think the way they do, they want everyone to be lemings, so if you're not a leming, you need to be smeared.

  3. This was a big rumor in Alaska long before Palin was chosen for VP. There is no way to know whether or not it is true without seeing the actual medical records.

    The reason Alaskans suspected something is that Palin never mentioned she was pregnant until she was 7 months along and never showed any sign of pregnancy until after her announcement.  Her daughter, Bristol, was taken out of school for 4 or 5 months due to case of mono, but returned to school shortly after the birth of her brother.  Also Governor Palin's water broke while in Dallas texas, she was there to give a speech at a republican governors conference.  She went ahead and gave her speech after her water broke, then got on a flight to Anchorage so she could give birth with her own doctor, btw it is an 8 hour flight.  The flight attendants were interviewed by an anchorage paper and they said that the governor did not appear to be pregnant and she did not appear to be in distress.

    If the rumors turn out to be true, the only mistake made was the coverr-up, the truth is always the best approach and I would have great admiration for  a woman who would raise a Downs Syndrome grandchild as her own.  BTW, Downs children are soooo wonderful, little angels for sure.

  4. The reason why is that detractors are hard at work. Some criticize Palin for getting pregnant after the age of 40 which increased the risk of a child having health issues. Some say that the son is the daughter's. The issue is, there is a child who was diagnosed as having Down's Syndrome prebirth, and his Mother did not abort him. The pro-abortion crowd cannot stand that.

  5. The work of Joe Biden  

  6. It is all malicious.  Palin was visibly pregnant and gave birth in April.

  7. DEMOCRATIC BULLS***!!!!! A desperation play....  

  8. I can see the merits of abortion.  Why didn't your mother do the right thing?  She should have known.

  9. man this line is getting old. Put it to bed.

  10. I think the rumor started because of the short space of time from her announcement of being pregnant ( March 5 2008 and said she was due in May) to her giving birth April 18,2008

    Whether or not it is fair, unfortunately this goes with the territory of being on the national stage

    Edited to add:

    To those people who are now trying to claim it is Obamabots etc. Boy you guys are so wrong.

    The first time the rumor surfaced was mid July in the Anchorage Daily news blog- which is way before she would have appeared on the so called "liberal" radar

    Do some research so you won't end up blowing smoke

  11. To smear Palin. That is coming from the  Obama site didn't you get the email?

    Obviously some overzealous moron at ObamaCentral doesn't know that it is women in their forties that  are the ones that have babies with Downs Syndrome not 16 year olds.

  12. In at least one case, Little Green Footballs says that they have evidence that Obama supporters are spreading false information about Palin:

  13. STOP IT. You cheapen yourself when you stoop to this level.

    STOP IT. You cheapen yourself when you stoop to this level.

    STOP IT. You cheapen yourself when you stoop to this level.

    STOP IT. You cheapen yourself when you stoop to this level.

    STOP IT. You cheapen yourself when you stoop to this level.

    STOP IT. You cheapen yourself when you stoop to this level.

    STOP IT. You cheapen yourself when you stoop to this level.

    STOP IT. You cheapen yourself when you stoop to this level.

    STOP IT. You cheapen yourself when you stoop to this level.

    Surely you are a better human being than that!

  14. I heard it was mccains....

  15. This rumor reminds me of that storyline on Desperate Housewives where one of the housewives' daughter (if you watch it you know who I'm talking about and if you don't you probably wouldn't care about her name) got pregnant and they shipped her off to a nunnery while the mother wore fake pregnancy bellies.  Seems like someone needs to lay off of that show.

  16. Wow!  How did she transfer that baby from her daughter to herself, have her water break after a speech and get rushed back home to deliver the baby?  

    I don't think so!  It's okay - you can wake up now.  

    In reality, Palin is a fantastic lady with much to offer our nation!

    Why has it been rumored that Democrats have become so desparate that they can't tell the truth?  Can't they find something positive to talk about in their own candidates or is this just a contest to see just how low they can stoop?

  17. A desperate low-blow by a scared, desperate party.

    Didn't take 'em long, either, did it?

  18. Already debunked.

    Go ahead dems, keep trying though. Just makes you look bad.

    You might look less so if you choose a rumor that didn't smear her teenage daughter, shame on you.

  19. The odds of a woman under 30 having a child with Down's Syndrome is 1 in 1000, the odds of a woman of 40 having a Downs baby is 1 in 60, over 45 the odds are 1 in 12. Sarah was 44 when she had the kid. It's sad, but the fact that the kid has Down's is a good indication that it's hers.

    On the other hand I just saw the link with the photo of her seven months pregnant and she doesn't show at all and her daughter was out of school at that time. I can see how the rumors got started, but I would think hospital records would be a quick way to resolve the "issue"

  20. It looks suspicious. Palin didn't reveal her pregnancy to anyone until she was at 7 months, she never showed any signs of being pregnant, her daughter was taken out of school at the same time and has a slight bulge in one of their family photos, and a reporter who interviewed her at 6 weeks before the birth said he had no idea she was pregnant at the time.

  21. Because liberal know that stupid people will believe a lie no matter how big it is.  They further know that they have to attack her at every angle until they can find something that sticks - whether it is true or not.

  22. Isn't that Michele Obama Oldest daughter's problem . I had "heard" she was pregnant, but never if she had an abortion

  23. Because the Democrats are running scared. Just wait until the first woman comes out claiming to have had Obama's love child.

    Why has it been rumored? Because the Obamabot rumor-mill has kicked into overdrive. Was Obama that rattled by Palin? Good, he should be.

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