
Why has it been so hot lately?

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Here in NYC it's been in the 90's for 4 days now. Last year we only had 1 day in the 90's which was in August. It's not even summer yet and it's all ready hot as h**l. What's going on?





  2. i live in PA and its been wicked hot here but honestly this happens every so often

  3. OMG I am asking myself the same question, I am in Houston, and it is so HOT! What in the world is going on! Sorry  I was no help but I agree with you.

  4. its almost summer!

  5. Its me sorry. Lol no really they say global warming may be apart of this factor.

  6. your conclusion is not statistically valid, you have only considered what happened last year.  you need to look at more years.

  7. global warming

  8. global warming

    School's even canceled in Rhode Island!

  9. its almost summer its not global warming crazy hippy crack pots.

  10. Ask Al Gore.

  11. Im in VA....

    its been int the thats texas weather... and florida

    no body believes it

    GLOBAL WARMING is OCCURING.... no lie....

  12. These are the summers I remember when I was a teenager..........Since when is the weather constant or predictable???????????

  13. The reason for the recent hot spell is a large area of high pressure over the SE called a Bermuda High, which has slowly moved toward the NE, including NYC. The Bermuda High is an area of high pressure that features mostly clear weather, but also a high degree of direct sunshine that heats the air significantly. Until the high dissipates, it will tend to force small cool fronts (and rain) around it's perimeter, but it will eventually dissipate.

  14. omg i know

    i am loving this weather!

  15. Global Warming! haha.

    People say its normal to have a really hot year sometimes and that the weather will get back to normal. Isn't it something like we go 4 years then have an off year or something like that?

    Or you could just blame Bush...

  16. ok, it's worse here. i'm in philippines, and it 30- 50 degrees! omg when i got out from and air-conditioned room i could almost feel the heat wave!

    even when you're standing real still, in a few minutes you'd be sweating non stop!

    it's because of global warming. i hear my brother shouting "it's so hot" at this minute!

  17. My gosh, I know!  I can't even step outside my apartment on Long Island without feeling like I'm going to pass out!  I'm not sure why we got struck with a heat wave so early in the season, but it's supposed to start cooling down after the thunderstorms this evening and tomorrow's high is 86.  Today the high is 92.  

    My advice.  Stay indoors.  Don't work too hard.  Drink lots of water.  And if you must go out, wear sunblock.  My husband's an electrician and he almost had to be hospitalized yesterday for dehydration.  

    Take care

  18. Hi.

    I have NO idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe global warming? I have no idea. Also its almost summer but even in summer it wasn't this hot.

    Hope this helps!

  19. well here in Ohio it went form being in the sixties to the nineties over night seemingly. some say it is global warming, i say it is SUMMER!!!!!

  20. Its something Al Gore has been trying to tell you for a while.

  21. Read about GLOBAL WARMING.

  22. global warming causes erratic and unpredictable weather patterns.

    Droughts and fires in the west are part of it too

  23. As a fellow New Yorker, I'm with you there. When I walked outside of school yesterday, I couldn't believe how hot it had gotten.

    Guess we're in for a HOT Summer!

  24. Global warming.

  25. cause its summer!!

  26. Dunno if you subscribe to the theory, but global warming explains a number of things happening worldwide, including the above-average temperatures in many of the major cities worldwide.

    Abnormal droughts, floods, weather events, the rising sea level, glacial retreat, even seemingly random things like the disappearance of honey bees (Colony Collapse Disorder) and the appearance of mosquitoes in new areas are often attributed, at least in part, to global warming.

    Wiki isn't the end-all of references, but it's an easy start and informative read and will give you ideas on where to go next --

    With the increased fuel costs added onto the record high temperatures, some people are worried about an especially rough summer. We might even see some riots if the rising energy costs force rolling brownouts in major cities.

  27. It may be the weather?

  28. That's Global Warming for you.

  29. It's June?

  30. i wish i was there here is freakin raining and its 35-50deg

  31. the earth is tilting on its axis making you nearer the equator and therefor hotter thats my conclusion anyway

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