
Why has kindergarten changed to a full day?

by Guest60570  |  earlier

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only answer if you really know please (I have my own guesses but want to know the facts) Thanks!




  1. parents now work all day, so they can't pick up their kids.

    also, education is really getting harsher.

  2. A few reasons.

    1. To make it easier to schedule buses

    2. To make it easier to arrange bells (which elementary schools, which house kindergarten, don't have much of -- they have beginning bells, lunch/recess bells, and end bells.)

    3. To reduce chaos in the hallways.

    4. To increase education (in theory!)

    5. To help accommodate parents, who usually work hours that make a half day hard.

    Mind, when I was a kid, you went from half-days in preschool to whole-days in Pre-K and Kindergarten. So it wasn't a recent change where I come from.

  3. where do u live cause here in maryland it has always been a full day for son went a full day and that was back in 1990

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