
Why has london got a bit quiter recently and also prices for rooms have gone down ,has everyone gone home and?

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stop travelling




  1. Don't you worry - this is just the quiet before the storm.

    One reason why rents may have gone down in the private rented sector is due to the glut of available rooms - fewer tenants.

    Many thousands of folk purchased second homes so they could let them out - but the bubble on that market is already bursting - and in some cases bust completely.

    So, take advantage of the lower rates and come on over.

    The duff early Summer weather may also be putting some folk off.

    Here in London today, it is typically about 22C [72f] - while about two weeks ago I was standing outside Notre Dam in Paris where the themometor was reading 35C [98f].

    Maybe everyone has gone to Paris. . . . .

  2. well you are wrong. While there are more budget priced hotels than there used to be which might give the impression of cheaper rooms, prices have not gone down. Revenue per room, or revpar, is actually going up month on month.

  3. Obviously the credit crunch is hitting people hard.  People are not buying or selling houses and not spending so much.  Also a lot of Polish people who came over are now going back home so there are a lot fewer of them here.

  4. Well I think.... People who live here aren't going out as much as the cost of living is increasing.  Also a lot of students have gone home for the summer as there are not that many jobs going.  The same goes for those on working visa... there just is not a lot of jobs around at the moment.  Plus people from other cities and countries are finding it difficult to visit London due to the rising costs including air fares.

  5. Since the credit crunch I have not really gone out as much.. London is quite expensive for a night out.

  6. generally I have noticed motorway and roads quieter in the evening , price of fuel has made people drive slower to maximise milage and not go out unless its absolutely nessacary.

    people have been made redundant so far building trade, estate agent so why stay and inccur extra cost.

    I have noticed this and I'm in Manchester

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