
Why has mankind not...

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Was hasn't mankind be accepted into the galactic federation?




  1. Our whole history of actions say that we're violent, murderous, don't keep promises, and are not promoters of peace and harmony, etc.  That we care only about material things, and just want the best for ourselves - meaning, we're so selfish.  We don't have peace on this earth, not amongst nations, nor within our own cities - so this speaks volumes about how unsuitable we are, to join any intergalactic federation, etc etc.  We have to grow up first... ie. be peaceful amongst ourselves.

  2. I don't know! Why don't you beam up with Scottie's help and ask them?

  3. We haven't been able to come up with the initiation fee yet.  McDonald's was actually created to come up with the cash.  We're getting there!

  4. The simple answer is because there isn't a 'Galactic Federation'.

    Even if there were, judging by some of the responses here, who would want is as a member if we all think of ourselves as a bunch of losers? Show some pride people! Humanity is not the essence of evil and stupidity.  

  5. I hope were trying hard enough, we would probalably waste their time since our technology level is waaaayyy down

  6. Mankind is stupid, self destructive, and ignorant! That is probably why.

  7. No psychic abilities as of yet darn it! We need to have some super-human something (even weapons!) to join.  

  8. What federation?  Has SETI taught you nothing?

    The question, presented over a half century ago and stated again and again since then, goes like this:

    If the universe is 15 billion years old, and our planet is 6 billion years old, and planets and galaxies are as common as they obviously are, and a planet can commonly generate life forms, and the life forms commonly rise to civilization, then radio transmissions should be extremely common.  This planet generates millions of radio transmissions that are powerful enough to be detected at galactic distances.  And, even though many of the surrounding planets are receding from us at significant percentages of the speed of light, so that only a few near star systems could be expected to have heard us, the assumption of the natural and common development of civilizations (necessitated by any acceptance of the legitimacy of your question) develops the expectation that a very large number of civilizations exist and have transmitted radio frequencies for a very long time from an even larger number of originating points.  Yet, SETI has detected none of them.  In nearly half a century of listening.

    Sorry, my friend, there is no galactic federation.

    Not to mention, if there were a large number of civilizations, the notion that they would form a cooperative federation is no more than fantasy.  Of the six "first principles", the one most obvious yet simultaneously most difficult to demonstrate is the principle that states that any real "thing" acts as its own agent, and serves its own interests, period.  The notion of federation and cooperation is counter to this principle.  There is no logical dictum to predict that intelligent beings of any sort would prefer the dereliction of their own ends in favor of any others.  The notion of cooperation and federation is a myth, not only on this planet, but any where else.  So, even if there were other civilizations, even those presumed to be superior to us (easy assumption), there is no reason to expect them to be any more friendly to us or any other civilization in the galaxy than we are to bees or cattle.

    There is no federation.  If another civilization exists, and it has leaped the boundaries of physics and developed faster than light travel  [Consider Einstein's argument that travel near the speed of light would necessitate the traveler's suspension of time while those left behind felt time complete.  If this is valid, then faster than light travel would require a movement faster than time.  Hmmmmm.] then that civilization would inevitably serve as its own agent and tend to its own needs and proclivities.

    The federation you refer to is more mythological than any human religion could be.  That is why we have not been accepted.  There is no one to accept us.

  9. What makes you so sure we aren't the most intelligent life in the universe? What makes you think that if there was life more intelligent, and capable of inter galactic space travel, they would want to mess with a civilization that can't even send any of it's species past it's own moon, let alone to the next star?  What if the Galactic Federation thinks humans make a good lunch? Kind of would bring a new meaning to French fried, Mexican food, Chinees food, and American cusine, wouldn't it?

  10. Your grammar is an exact example of how dumb the human race is; and that is why we haven't been accepted.

  11. We probably have, the government could just be hiding it from us.  Im not big on conspiracies but I wouldn't be surprised if our jump from vacuum tubes to microchips was alien assisted.

  12. Your grammar is lacking, but mankind has not been accepted because they still honor and satisfy only themselves.  They think nothing of fellow human beings in every day life.

  13. I agree with Lee. Clearly, we are not showing the ability to make the galaxy a better place by looking at our current habitat. So maybe we should make some changes for the better?

  14. Science fiction is fun and entertaining but we must always use common sense to distinguish between reality and fantasy- fact and fiction.

    If you are going to contemplate the existence of a galactic federation, then you must first begin with simple basics of understanding our galaxy.

    There are only certain regions in a solar sytem which can possibly have life forms. There are many conditions which must exist on the planet. There are many conditions which the star must have. There are only certain stars which can have potential life bearing planets. There is only a small portion of our galaxy which has the proper stars in the proper part of our galaxy.

    Not every star has planets. Not every planet can bear life. Not all life that does have a chance to form on a planet succeeds long enough to evolve.

    Let's avoid science fiction for a second and take a look at our galaxy in the real world. Chances of life throughout the Milky Way galaxy is small. Let's give a realistic yet high number of 15,000 planets with life forms that have evolved.

    Let's continue to stay away from science fiction for a little while longer and take a look at the size of our galaxy: 100,000 light years across.

    OK, if we jump into our space ship that goes light speed, we can get to the other end of our galaxy in 100,000 years.

    Outside of science fiction movies and tv shows do we have spaceships that can go light speed? No. Not even close. First of all, mass travelling at light speed is not possible EVER.

    So, how fast can we go? The space shuttle reaches speeds of 17,500 miles per hour. 25,000 miles per hour is required to escape Earth's gravity. So far, the Saturn 5 rocket was the most powerful built. It took 3 days to get to the Moon. It would take a manned spaceship about 4 or 5 months to get to Mars. 170 million miles. Unmanned probes take twice as long.

    Once again, skipping science fiction and staying with what current scientific data shows, the distance between stars that MAY have developed life forms averages out to 300 light years between each star system. How long would it take an Earthling to travel to the NEAREST of these star systems HOPING that developed life forms are found there?

    1 ly = 5,870,000,000,000 miles

    300 ly =  1,761,000,000,000,000 miles

    Let's say that some improvements are made to the design of spaceship engines and use 4 months as the manned spaceship travel time to Mars...

    How long would it take a manned spaceship to travel to that star 300 lightyears away in our galaxy? 3,452,941 years.

    It would take an earthling over 3 billion years to get to the planet.

    These are real numbers. They are not made up. there a galactic federation? It is very very unlikely.

    I agree that it is great fun for the human mind to fantasize about space travel and UFOs and aliens flying all around. But here we must seperate sci-fi from reality. The true and inescapable fact is that the distance between stars in space is truly immense.

    We can dream about flying to other stars and planets and talking to aliens. But unfortunately, in the real world, it is and will always remain a dream.

    You can see from this example that travel between galaxies will never ever happen. Now when we look at our own galaxy, the Milky Way, we must keep our heads in the real world too and say that IF Earthlings travel to even the NEAREST star system to our Sun (Alpha Centauri) at 4 lightyears away...THIS would be an extreme technological acheivement for the human race. It is not likely to occur within the next 1000 years if ever. Even though we know for a fact that no life forms exist there.

    Enjoy sci-fi movies and tv. It's one of my favorites. But remember that movies are made for our entertainment. They do not always depict reality. Especially when it comes to space travel.

  15. This is a futurist question. The assumption is too far out.

  16. Why would they want to accept us???

  17. Because we are in the Sophomore year of  the Galactic Frat house.  Dean Wormer has us up on charges and next semester looks bleak.

  18. "I would never join a club that would have me as a member."

    {Groucho Marx}

    I'm with Groucho.
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