
Why has many on the left already started in on Bush?

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Leftist crying how Bush has OVER-REACTED to Hurricane Gustav. Need we say any more about the deceit from the left?




  1. Because Bush has done just about everything wrong. What person with any sense would not question a leader who has done so many questionable things. He has failed on so many levels that it isn't just about the blame game...or this so called "Left" (whatever that is.) Its all about job performance. He should be fired. He lied about Iraq, left overseas policy in ruins and turned the economy on its head by his bad decisions. (or is that the terrorists? or this so called left? oh I forgot, it was Clinton's fault.)

    When you squandered an all time high approval rating of 90% and bring it down to an all time low of 23% then there is something wrong. Very wrong.

    Is that all "Left"?  

  2. they know what hypocrites they are.

  3. No matter what he does the HATE FILLED LEFT will TRY anything to bash Bush. They are one reason Obama WILL LOSE this election.

    I'm sure some of the left say Bush ordered dynamite to blow up the levees in N.O.

  4. The Left is against anything proposed by the Republicans.  If one day the Republicans decided to embrace socialism, the Left would be against it.

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