
Why has my 11 month old daughter gone off food all of a sudden she used to eat everything she was giving?

by  |  earlier

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now she wont touch food theres a constant struggle to get the spoon in her mouth then she jus titens her lips and wont eat any more.




  1. 1.  Try letting her feed herself with finger foods.  Usually by 9 months they are very capable of feeding themselves and your daughter might just be deciding she wants to be independent!

    2.  She could be teething so within a day or two you will see the new tooth and she'll back to eating.

    My son has stopped eating for both those reasons from time to time.  Last week (Thursday/Friday) it was because of teething.  So I gave him soft things to eat like nutrigrain bars and bananas and over cooked pasta.  When he was around 9 months, breakfast was the only thing I could still spoon feed him.  Then he realized he couldn't self feed himself applesauce, pudding or yogurt so sometimes he'll allow that to be fed to him.  The most recent refusal to eat was last night because he decided he wanted to eat off my fork.  He's just shy of a year.  Sometimes it's a guessing game as to why they won't eat, as long as it doesn't last more than a couple days at a time and they eat well in between, it's completely normal.

  2. its a phase that kids so through. they know when they want to eat and she wouldnt starve herself. just keep your cool, being a parent to an 11 month old is alot of work. i have 3 under the age of 5, so i know what you're talking about.

  3. Could be teething. Could be sick. Sorry, I don't have more info, but if it isn't a temporary phase, asking a pediatrician would be best.

  4. kids go through swings and sometimes they dont eat a whole lot-when she is hungry she will eat so just keep offering.

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