
Why has my 14 week old puppy started peeing in her bed?

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I'm really concerned as my puppy peed in her crate last night.

I left her for a couple of hours in her crate the other day and she peed in it. I know this was my fault as even though she had a pee before going in her crate, she had also just drank a lot of water. And sometimes accidents just happen.

I'm more concerned about her peeing at night, as she sleeps in our room and normally starts whimpering if she needs to go out for a pee, and one of us will take her out.

Can anyone please give us any advice, or reason for why this has happened? Apart from that one other occasion, she has never soiled in her crate before.




  1. After the accident did you remove the scent from the crate? Once a dog has peed in one place they tend to go back there.

  2. At 14 weeks, accidents are going to happen.  While they'll get less and less as she gets older, it will happen occasionally.  Don't make a big deal out of it to her, and don't worry about it yourself.  You did say she had a lot of water before going into her crate.   If this is the first time she's had an accident in her crate, consider that she is well on the road to learning, and that you're doing a good job.

  3. Accidents happen maybe she was holding it in then really had to go and nobody was around so she just Went it happens.

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