
Why has my 3 year old daughter suddenly starting to p**p in her pants?

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My dtr has been potty trained since she was 1 year and 11 months old. She has never had an accident and very careful about her bathroom habits. All of a sudden today she is 3 years and 9 months, she was at the Summer day care and the teacher said she put a pull up on her because she pooped in her pants out on the playground. My son who is 4 says the teachers didn't take her to the bathroom ( I can believe that). Later on this evening, we were watching tv and I was in the other room. I checked on her and she was straining to go p**p. I told her to stop and she was crying, so I carried her to the bathroom and she proceeded to finish. I don't know if I am being over analytical,but I was thinking it is the last day of summer day care before school starts next week. She will be in Pre K and her and her brother will for the first time go to different schools. She also mentioned that the teachers "yell at her and make her cry". I am not sure if she was scared to tell them she had to go to the bathroom. Anyone have a sort of similar experience?




  1. children tend to adapt to their enviromental surroundings and just as we as adults get stressed out children get stressed out as well only they react differently. sometimes it can be a behavior problem sometimes it can be regression. sounds to me like something in her life is upsetting her. it could be the whole school thing thats bothering her or it could be something else. change is very scary for young children so this could be her way of trying to keep from the change. in her mind she might be thinking " if i p**p in my pants im still a baby and i wont have to grow up and go to a new big girl school"  the best thing to do is not to yell or punish her cause that will only make it worse just try to reason with her remind her that she is a big girl and she knows how to use the potty. and try to comfort her about the big change that is coming up in her life. it might seem small to us but to her its life altering and she is probably just scared. things will be fine once she realizes that being seperated from her brother isnt so bad. hope this helps. and good luck to you.  

  2. Sometimes at her age, kids don't want to interrupt what they are doing to use the bathroom (like playing on the playground or watching TV).  Try making her take frequent potty breaks (turn off the TV, put down the toys, etc).  If it continues, and if she seems to have a fear of her teachers, this may be something to look into more seriously.  Good luck!

  3. It's not unusual for children to regress occasionally (all the way up through teenage actually, tho' usually those regressions don't involve messing in their pants).  

    New and stressful situations can often make a child do strange things, particularly if she's very sensitive or perceptive.    

  4. it maybe she is wanting attention take her to the doctor.

  5. Yeah, sounds like she's regressing a little.  Acting out.  Kids transition in weird ways.  I wouldn't pay too much attention to it and just keep reminding her where to p**p.  And love her to death :)

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