
Why has my Budgie's behaviour changed like this?

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I have had my Budgie for about four years now. Since i bought her she has not been in contact with any other birds. The only factors in her life that have changed recently (in the last six months) are that i have moved house and she has been given a much bigger cage (suitable for about 3 birds).

In the last three months or so, by Budgie has become ... um ... very interested in s*x. She regurgitates on all of her toys and me when i'm not paying attention, she does what can only be described as a courtship dance and then proceeds to attempt love making ... with anything and everything, usually one of her toys and my hand.

Is it just like mating season or something? Has she only just hit puberty? Should i get her a friend budgie (or is it a bad idea after 4 years of being a solitary Budgie?)

I'm not really worried because she's not sick or anything, i just feel bad because I might be doing something wrong. I just want to know why she is behaving like this all of a sudden.




  1. Do what you think is best.

    I say give him a partner

  2. Hi ,you have to get her a male, she is sexily frustrate.she will  accept new male.put them in separate cage for a 2 days but  next to each other and after that in same cage.if she was  feed by hyman as a baby she will be happy with you because she would think that she is hyman but if she was upbring by birds parents she will be unhappy so you must get her female or male

  3. Has she laid eggs, if the birds nose is blue it is a male. and white to beige female. All of the things she or he is doing , is   about mating. The  regurgitating is  its way of trying to feed you. If you get another one be sure it is the opposite s*x. Blue nose male , white or tan female. They will mate and she will need a nest box for her eggs. But once they are together they will not want you to interact with them any more.  

    So if you want your bird to remain your loving friend don't get another one  

  4. It is breeding season, yes.

    This kind of behavior is not harmful in itself.  It might come to the point where she starts laying eggs.  I don't like my birds laying infertile eggs; some birds get territorial and start having really big stinky p**p; though my budgie didn't.  If a bird is laying a lot, she needs to get plenty of calcium.

    My budgie hen, at the age of 7, developed a sudden interest in s*x also.  She flirted shamelessly with me (not with her cockatiel cage mate; she had lived with a cockatiel all her life).  She convinced me to tickle her back, which she clearly enjoyed  immensely; but shortly thereafter, she laid her first egg!.  Until that time I hadn't even been sure of her s*x, as she had a hormonal imbalance that caused her cere to change from blue to brown and back, all her life.  Well, I didn't want her laying eggs at 7 years old, so I didn't tickle her back anymore, and she didn't lay anymore.  Then the cockatiel fell in love with a toy and started laying eggs.  I took the toy out, but she didn't stop.  I tried numerous techniques to stop her laying eggs, to no avail.  Only when the budgie died did she stop laying eggs.  I didn't see any sexual behavior between them, but I think the budgie's hormonal behavior influenced the cockatiel.  

    The cockatiel seemed lonely and depressed, so I brought in a dove from the aviary, and they liked each other, so I hope they won't try to breed....  

    Birds can be weird.

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