
Why has my Yahoo 360 picture, which i use for Yahoo Answers, been replaced with a grey smiley face.?

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Why has my Yahoo 360 picture, which i use for Yahoo Answers, been replaced with a grey smiley face.?




  1. Yahoo Answers has announced that they're having problems with Avatars - I got a banner on the answers homepage - so maybe that has something to do with it.

  2. yahoo's servers are kinda down for today (they must of spilt coffee on the servers again)

  3. The reason you are having so many problems with your 360 picture is .. we are losing our Yahoo 360 accounts very soon according to the Yahoo product blog you can access by going to this link:

    There are many problems that will not be fixed by Yahoo on the 360, and they are getting worse each passing day. Sending them a bug report about a problem on your page will be ignored or a mass emailer will be sent to you. Although I noticed an alert when I came online here today that they were having issues with the avatars and were working on fixing them... so whoohooo we will see..  

    I urge you to go to the product blog and read the information for the last  postings by yahoo about all of the changes that are coming to us soon.

  4. Hey we are having the same problem like you right now.It happened today.A grey smiley face appears on our profile but when answering questions ,our yahoo 360 picture appear.

    We really want our picture back on our profile.

    Don't know what to do!

    We tried almost everything!!

  5. Avatars seem to be behaving oddly, indeed. I have occasionally flipped to a picture of Mr Potato Head (and no I'm not taking the p*ss, I do have that piccie someplace and I can't darn well find where), so I expect that the server monkeys are rushing around right now with mop and bucket, clearing up.

  6. It is fixed now.. You can re-try it..


  7. Also somone on a football forum noticed if you click on a particular subject and get the list of questions, if you then refresh that list, some of the avatar's change.

    This is particularly correct if the user has used different avatar's

  8. I guess someone imagined your face,because he couldn't see it from far ,anyway the person is conected to you ,why should he do it anyway

    or it can be some mistake,which you will never

    know,so I''ll say ''try it again'',if they keep doing it,

    it is for you to deside to put there another picture or not

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