
Why has my adorable Misca stopped kneading and purring

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My darling Misca a /- 14 year old cat has stopped kneading and purring and I would just like to know what the reasons could be?

Thanks in advance,

Sylvia Lasich

~ Savour Every Moment with your Loved Ones ~

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  2. Hm. Not sure... Alot of the time the reason a cat kneads in general is because they were weened off their mother too soon. Some are more extreme than others. And cats just in general knead simply for comfort =). I've never really heard of a cat just stopping kneading when they get older. Although now that I think about it I know a couple cats that, one is 14, one is 17, they never kneaded after a while.

  3. Aww that sucks.  I have no idea.  Sounds like she's old.  I hope she starts doing it again.  

  4. Kittys knead because they see you as a motherly figure. When a kitten is just born, it does that little kneading thing on its mothers belly because they feel protected and my cat quit when he turned 4 yrs old. Before that he couldnt sleep unless he was with me. Its a whole dependence thing. They need their mother when they are kittens, so when they do that you, they are acknowleding you as their mother. As far as purring goes, she may be sad. (maybe).    If you had a sudden death in the family, a family member she was close to get sick, or another pet possible die or get sick. It might just be her way of mourning, like when we cry. Hope something I said helped. Good Luck :-)

  5. Kneading is something every cat does when they are happy and content. Make sure there isn't any that has changed in his routine that may be upsetting him. If you can't find anything obvious and extra love doesn't bring your Misca's personality back, then take her to your vet. Sometimes this maybe early signs of an illness and you could catch it before it causes problems. Ask your vet for senior wellness bloodwork to check liver and kidney function and also blood cell count to see if there is an infection. Have a urinalysis, a fecal, and chest x-rays. Amazing pet owners often find illnesses in their pets before they are even symptomatic. You may be so tuned in to your pet that you are seeing early signs of something with his health. Besides he is a senior now and should probably have these test run as routine medical care. Good luck.

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