My 9 month old baby girl has suddenly stopped eating her food. My husband and i steam or boil veggies like peas, carrots, beets, potato, rice,broccoli, sweet potato in batches, blend or puree it, and freeze them. Its easier to feed, and she LOVED eating two 10 ounce jars a day till about a week ago.
Now she excited at the sight of her spoon and then after a bite, she starts to cry and go red in the face. I thought she must be bored and got some Cerelac Rice powder and she did the same with that too, although it tastes different, sweeter than our home-made bland food.
I also tried some applesauce and pears from a jar, and she doesnt like it. We tried steaming and feeding her fruits at home, banana and apples and she wont have that too... she also has a four ounce bottle of formula every three hours...
i'm worried she'll get sickly and i wonder how to get her to enjoy her food again.why has this suddnely happened and what do i do now???? pls help.