
Why has my goldfish turned white

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Why has my goldfish turned white




  1. Some fish change colors when they get stressed try to help your fish relax

  2. AGE!

  3. it's prolly just growing older.

  4. Goldfish have a tendancy to change color as they mature.

    I would be more concerned however, that he has caught some illness. Discoloration is a common symptom of many illnesses. It is difficult to tell without seeing the fish. I would take him in to a aquatic store and get a professional oppinion if you are concerned.

  5. There could be a few reasons your goldie turned white.  From lighting, foods healing.  The main reason however goldfish will turn colors is due to genetics.  Cross breeds especially are known to change back to the most prominant color from which they came.

    Feeding or keeping your goldie on a diet of carrots, brine shrimp, redpeppers pumpkin, helps them to maintain their red and orange hues.

  6. Goldfish will turn white if you keep them in a dark place. There's nothing wrong with it health-wise.

  7. Have you left it in a dark room? Goldfish may turn pale if they aren't exposed to proper sunlight.

  8. Its normal my goldfish turned from black to light gold in a week =O   i was scared but he is doing well and eating alot. maybe they grow too fast and they shed/ i can still see his old scales

  9. some do fade indoors try put a little sun in your tank the downside your tank will be filled with algae.  A week outside the colors will glow back.

  10. Try feeding it tropical stuff It says for color... What have you been feeding it???

  11. maybe it wants to be a whitefish

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