
Why has my period stopped coming? [I'm not pregnant] *Please help!!*?

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I'm 16 years old and my period hasn't come since March this year. I eat right and exercise regularly, and I don't understand why it has stopped coming. What's wrong with me? Please help




  1. Are you on birth control? because it does stop your period for awhile.

    or you could just be stressing. happened to me before. I was stressing with school and a lot of family problems.

  2. Could be stress but your doctor could have the best answer

  3. I'd say it may be down to final hormone changes in your body but I may be wrong, I would go to a doctor just to get that checked out, Hope I helped xoxox

  4. Could be a few things:

    Have you just started exercising or has it become more strenuous?

    Have you messed up the pattern of your birth control? Skipped a few?

    Has life become stressful- more than usual? New job?

    Have you had a pap smear? If your sexually active you should be getting them to make sure everything is ok down there.

    Planned Parenthood can do a pregnancy test for free and its confidential. If you need birth control they can also provide it. You could start there if your afraid to talk to your parents about it. I would definitely see a doctor.

    Good Luck!!

  5. if you take anticompetitive pills (so you don't get pregnant) it should regulate your period. try taking them.

    have you been ill since march? have you had s*x?

    I think you should ask your doctor, there is nothing wrong with that ;)

    Have a nice day

    luis -

  6. that happend to me wen i was your age, i dint get mine for about 8months. if you are very thin and exercice alot it can slow it down alot, plus you might think your eating right but are not getting the proper things your body needs, its not how much you eat its what you eat. when you stop getting your period it means you are not healthy enough to carry a child, (you are too young dont get any wrong ideas) i just mean that is why girls get their period and when it stops that is why, it is ok to slow it down with exercise but you dont want to stop it completly, you need your hormones, it can have alot of negative effect on you, not only now but also later in life..

    so do some research on proper foods to eat, talk to your doc, you can get a vitamin B12 shot which i did, to help give you a boost it helps, birth control can help regulate it

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