
Why has my rabbit just started to dig holes?

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We have had her a few months now but she has only just started to dig. Any ideas why she has just started now?




  1. she's hot and wants to lie in the cool ground

  2. Well bunnikins love to dig holes and it's their natural instinct to dig a burrow for them to live in. If you just got her as a baby kitten then she is probably just 'maturing' and growing up, getting ready to start a family. If you have had her for a while then she might be getting bored, try some new toys or a citrus tree branch for her to chew on. My bunny hutch has an enclosed area and then an outside play area, I have put it on some long grass so the grass pokes up through the little holes in the grate and she loves it. Also I think it is important on a sunny weekend to let bunny have a run around the back yard, stretch her legs, like taking the dog for a walk.

  3. she wants to get out

  4. hello there

    there are only three explanations here:

    ♦she's pregnant:did she have any contact with any other males?if so,there's a high chance she's pregnant.pregnant rabbits tend to dig a hole to make a nest for the upcoming babies.this is a normal movement for mother rabbits.soon enough,if she is really pregnant,she will get hay and stuff it in the hole.she might also get fur from her body to make as a lining.

    ♦she's having false pregnancy:this is not unusual for rabbits.some female rabbits will usually do what pregnant rabbits do thought they are not really pregnant.they may dig holes just for nothing and sometimes they may even place hay on it just like pregnant rabbits.

    ♦she is just playing around:rabbits love to dig around.this is a great exercise for their feet and nails.this is what rabbits in the wild do.

    best wishes to you!good luck!

  5. She is prob just after settling in so didnt dig when the surroundings were strange. be careful. my rabbit dug a hole and escaped in the middle of the night.

  6. It is in the nature of rabbits to dig.  As you probably know, rabbits in the wild live in burrows, so even though your bunny doesn't live in the wild she will still have the digging instinct.

  7. Hi, when a female rabbit puberty which is about 6months old but it can vary she instinctively starts to dig burrows for her young as she would in thw wild. My rabbit did this and it lasted for about 4 months. There is nothing wrong with her.  

  8. If it's a large hole she is making a house. All rabbits that i have owned have done this. Only problem you will run into is after she makes it getting her out is hard.

  9. rabbits naturally always want to dig.

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