
Why has my radio gone funny?

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It's been ok for months then today it distorts when i go near it.

Am i suddenly metalic?




  1. the signal may be reduced in strength and you are blocking or deflecting the signal to the radio.

  2. i number of reason.

    one could be the out put power the station you are listening to as gone down.

    a building or something that is between you and your radio station may effect your signal

    the weather it's self can effect your signal

    or the input tranny is on the way out on your radio,are others stations ok to tune in

    and yes you can effect the signal too

    kind regards x Kitti x

    ps you could run a long wire from the aerial the help boost signal

  3. Yup, you've turned into the tin man ;<)

    Often your body acts as an antenna - or extension to one. Ever notice how sometimes the signal will be perfect as you're tuning it, then, when you move away, it gets static-y again?

    Sometimes repositioning or turning the radio in a different direction will help. Your signal is also affected by the strength of the radio station. Stations come in several different sizes according to their license. A 25KW, 50KW or 100KW obviously will be easier to receive and keep steady than a 3KW station.

    There's no real cure, except to make sure you have a good antenna (sometimes just a piece of wire coming out of the back of the set - to which you can add more wire to make it longer). You might want to get an inexpensive antenna that's a loop - actually a circular piece of metal that will attach to the wire coming out of the back of your set - Radio Shack and other stores have them.

    Make sure that it's as close to a window as possible. Sometimes I'll run the wire outside the window and close the window on top of it. Anything to get it away from any metal or other deflectors.

    Hope this helps

    -a guy named Duh

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