
Why has my rib/chest area gotten bigger in the last few days!?

by  |  earlier

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am 13 and i was just on vacation but i didn't over eat i maybe just had a few more prezelts in the car ride :/

& i lost some muscle in my stomach but not enough to really notice

now am kinda back to were i was a week ago after 3-4 days

but now my upper ribs/chest stick out like a sore thumb!

i didn't add any muscle there its just like bigger and wider!


wat happened and how can i get it smaller again!?




  1. I think you're paying way too much attention to tiny details about your body!  You don't add or lose muscle or fat in a few days.  Just relax, stop measuring and looking and just let yourself grow and develop.

    As long as you are healthy, you eat well and get enough rest and exercise, you're fine.   I bet no one else in the world would even notice what seems so huge to you!

  2. oh wow .. im 13 as well and my ribs are kinda big too.

    i have something called costo chondritis .. its the inflamation of the ribs.

    its really nothing to worry about .. and ab the chest thing .. u mean your getting b***s?

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