
Why has my sleeping positions changed?

by Guest32533  |  earlier

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I have a couple of questions to satisfy my curiosity about sleeping positions. Years ago when I went to sleep I would go off to sleep on my left hand side legs bent up but always wake up in the morning on my right hand side legs bent up - why did that happen every time why did I always wake up on the opposite side to what I went to sleep on?

The next question is that in the last year I go off to sleep on my left hand side legs bent as usual but now I seem to wake up in the mornings lying on my back flat out. This happens every morning, why has my sleeping patterns decided to change like this after years of waking up on my right hand side? - Very weird but there must be some explanation to it.




  1. we all move during the night you may be waking slightly earlier or later so you haven't returned to your original position

  2. because you rolled over ??

  3. This can be caused by many thing including diat and what you drink inc thing like coffee etc.

    The best thing to do is look after you diat, watchout for too much caffine etc and eat pleaty of fiber, your5 a day fruit and veg. This will also help maitain the right wait to hight ratio and make sure you sleep well:-). A good diat will also look after you wallet and keepp your food bill down etc

    The best postion is whats alled the fetal position as you mention but it perfectly normal to move during the night just make sure you dont fall out of bed! Remmember Protect your head.

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