
Why has nobody saw fit to put a bullet in Robert Mugabe's head?

by  |  earlier

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Wouldn't it be the easiest and the most humane thing to do for Zimbabwe and mankind. Shoot the murdering b*****d! It proves that the EU and the UN and all the other acronyms who exist in our name, with our taxes, aren't worth ##it!




  1. He's one of Barack Husseins favorite mentors.

  2. I totally agree with you. I have often said the same thing to my partner. He is beyond evil, he should have been shot a long time ago.

  3. It would make him look a martyr and a hero.

    We would be accused of murder by the rest of the world.

    It's a job for Africa I'm afraid and they are only just beginning to voice criticism.

    Loyalties die hard - he was a freedom fighter and served time in prison for that, so many feel they owe him.

  4. i thought the same about sadam hussein!  why waste so many lives, so much money and devastation, then put him through the mockery of a trial when there could only ever be one outcome.  he should have been shot like a dog when they found him "resisting arrest".  just send the SAS in and DO him.

  5. What shoot Gobby Bobby! no.

    Just invite him to London, and let him walk the streets he would soon wish he was back in safe Zimbabwe!!!!!

  6. Because there is nothing in the space between his ears

  7. We are meant to be a civilized nation, and therefore cannot condone assassination and murder (even if he does deserve it).  However, he should be arrested and tried by the court of Human Rights next time he leaves his country, just as Milosevik was.

  8. Why haven't YOU done so? Why haven't some of the native Zimbabweans done so? It's not my problem, so let them deal with their own issues. If they are all cowards, then they deserve whatever they get.

  9. I guess because there's nothing for Europe or the UN to gain from removing Mugabe.  South Africa should be doing something.

  10. it is easier said than done.

    like so many other despots before him, he's well ,WELL protected.

    swarmed with body-guards, NO-ONE has a chance to get near him.

    especially a white-man, who would immediately stick out like a sore thumb

    & a black assassin who would probably be viewed as a race traitor, if they even tried.

    the best thing all round for Zimbabwe is for the brain-cancer to finally take its toll on Mugabe. ( he was diagnosed in the 90s )

    & hope the new president isn't a chip of the old block

  11. The UN etc need to pull their finger out and get this guy consigned to the dustbin of history.

    Check out the link - a senior Irish politician agrees with me

  12. well you have to think about it.... no one could have because of all his body guards, lots of people obviously want to but he is "untouchable"

  13. I've been thinking the same thing. I was sat back watching TV and heard about his orders regarding white farmers and shouted at the TV: "Just assassinate the b*****d".  

    One bullet to save many.

    But then again what will happen afterwards?  Better the devil you know i suppose.  But then again can it get any worse?

    Gah answering questions with questions i should really stop doing that.

  14. I said it before (and i got several thumbs down for pointing it out)

    It is a fact, that dictators keep their security well paid and happy

    While Mugabe keeps his security forces in relative luxury, he is not going to get shot by anyone (at least, not easily)

  15. why don't you do it if you feel so strongly about murder

  16. The UN has always defended evil dictators so don't expect them to do the right thing regarding Mugabe. My guess is that fear keeps the people of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) from solving the problem in the only way that would be effective. The evil Mugabe will probably die of old age and in his wake their will be a civil war. What a shame that would be when one bullet now could save so many lives.

  17. It cannot be the EU or UN, it must be done by Africa's leaders.  The reason Mugabe has not been disposed of is because he is still considered a fighter against colonialism.  If either EU or UN action removed him it would distract normal Africans from their plight under despotic rulers.

    By all means he should be shot, but it should be done by Africans, specifically a Zimbabwean.

  18. For some reason, assassination of bad leaders has gone out of style.  What would have happened if Stalin was killed and Trotsky took over?  What would have happened if Hitler and Mao were cut down when they showed evil tendencies?  Mugabe might be a little fish in the grand scheme of things, but he is the only fish in that area.

    Of course, if the civilized world sanctioned assassinations then the uncivilized world would try to assassinate our good leaders.  That is what happened to the Kennedy's.

  19. It would be considered an infringement of his human rights.

    As a human, he has a right to a fair trial. Then, as with Saddam Hussein, he will be executed according to the laws of his own country. (hopefully).

    Whoever, 'put a bullet in his head' right now would be brought to trial for murder.

    It's backward but true.

    He definitely needs arresting though on the basis of human rights abuses... immediately if not sooner.

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