
Why has our government changed from We the People to WEE on the little People?

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WE need to take back our country from politicians and special interest. They are not We the People!




  1. ..obviously today's version of government is a 'bit ' tweaked...  it is a version of government "Of industrialization, For industrialization, and

    By industrialization.  

      And, it got that way because Americans voted for it to be 'that' way...didn't you listen to the the rhetoric of the past two elections?  We are living under a presidential agenda that was clearly stated..  we got EXACTLY what we voted for.

  2. It has changed because we've allowed it to.

    In a democracy, you get exactly as good a government as you better, no worse.

    If you don't like what the government is doing, you have to go to the polls and make some changes.

  3. What made you think you were part of that WEE circle of elite who wrote "We the People"????

  4. Since WE elect them, the only people to WEE on are WE!

  5. We, the little people, have been complacent and we got just what we earned -- peed on, shat upon, rights taken away, and sold out.  If you mean that WE need to take our country back, then you must start by organizing your friends and communities and working for change.  You can't sit back and "let George Do It"  (And I don't mean George Bush -- he can't do anything right)

  6. That is a good one cause i feel that I get pissed on by the government all the time. People get raises from government agencies on thier ss and then they cut your food stamps, so where is the raise. I think that we the people say I'm in charge and you follow my rules(master).The raise you get as a cost of living (ha ha) has to replace the food money that they took back.

  7. Look at our leader that lies, Bush.  Telling a bold face lie about weapons of mass destruction.  So when did you think he cared about any individual.  Do you see his kids over there?

    To him it is " u people" as he commonly says.

  8. THIS sounds so good but do you see anyone jumping up and getting involved?

    If the country does not get involved in what needs to be changed...... more of the same...

  9. Everytime taxes were raised on the Working People, it was always "Wee on the People".

    Watch & see what happens in 2009, if not before.

    The Democrats are planning to take much of our paychecks.

    Bush gave us more power with his Tax Cuts, but the Democrats are planning to take it all away, plus some.

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